Quitting Genshin Impact Saved Her Life..

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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    • My life completely cha...
    Tectone React

Комментарии • 891

  • @drewwillcoleDWC
    @drewwillcoleDWC 2 дня назад +517

    Once you quit Genshin you really see how horrible it is when you get no feeling of coming back due to the feeling of letting it go or just playing other games who treat their players better and their story better xD

    • @IvoryTaurean
      @IvoryTaurean 2 дня назад +6

      Hi, I disagree somewhat with this statement You know, every game has its strength and weaknesses. and that's for any product in general. I mean, no matter what we consume as consumers. There's always gonna be strength of weaknesses to it. Sure I do agree with how. Genshin, as well as hoyoverse, is being perceived right now because it's entirely fair. Will it stop people from going back? I don't think so.

    • @JustEverton
      @JustEverton 2 дня назад +3

      I felt the same way when I quit Honkai Impact 3rd. I'm kinda thankful that the Moon arc was so terrible. It woke me right up from my honeymoon phase, and made me realize how terrible the story and character writing was.

    • @stillslick7964
      @stillslick7964 2 дня назад +27

      ​@@IvoryTaurean Well, your a hoyo shill obviously you would disagree😂, it's true every game have their strengths and weakness but genshin only good thing is is gameplay and character design everything else is bad or mediocre

    • @JJtheProGamer
      @JJtheProGamer 2 дня назад +22

      ​@IvoryTaurean it definitely depends on the individual, but I have noticed that once my friends and I quit, none of us had the desire to go back after playing other gacha games that just offered less restrictive grinding and more player friendly daily energy systems. It's a shame because even now I think genshin offers a lot of fun things. But it's stained by story pacing issues, greedy practices, and the most tonedeaf dev team that fails to implement serious qol in a reasonable timeframe. IMO it's not worth it to return with the other games that exist.

    • @SheikAshii
      @SheikAshii 2 дня назад +1

      Do you play more than 3 times a week doing more than just your dailies? That’s what you’re suppose to do. Just do the dailies and a story every once in a while lol. I do that and it’s still fun on year 5

  • @sankyu3950
    @sankyu3950 2 дня назад +1060

    New title: Quiting genshin impact saved her hair

    • @zmpurosmpegleris
      @zmpurosmpegleris 2 дня назад +87

      Others were not so fortunate

    • @AvirBaner
      @AvirBaner 2 дня назад +54

      ​@@zmpurosmpeglerisEspecially teccy

    • @ashiqprio2485
      @ashiqprio2485 2 дня назад +24

      So all the genshin ccs are now wearing wigs huh

    • @MohJendli
      @MohJendli 2 дня назад +15

      @@ashiqprio2485 shhhh 🤫 don't expose them....

    • @HanT5247
      @HanT5247 2 дня назад +2

      This need to be pinned

  • @eeteeeeki
    @eeteeeeki 2 дня назад +643

    Quiting GI was one of the greatest things that I have ever done in my life

    • @shionwandering
      @shionwandering 2 дня назад +14

      Well done

    • @Rider-yb3sd
      @Rider-yb3sd 2 дня назад +16

      I'm glad I quit competitive PVP overall, Genshin is just lame daily sh1t. Last time I can't get Wanderer so just delete bc cons overweight pro like it not satisfying, too much storage, online

    • @reall9575
      @reall9575 2 дня назад +3

      You escaped the matrix 😅

    • @natsu_1325
      @natsu_1325 2 дня назад +4

      Same, for me it was quitting hoyo games.

    • @tramy-reacts
      @tramy-reacts 2 дня назад +2

      blud same!

  • @Miteiitekure
    @Miteiitekure 2 дня назад +548

    I dropped this game even earlier than wuwa release, felt a sense of relief like no other.

    • @devilkazumi578
      @devilkazumi578 2 дня назад +36

      I kept it during wuwa release but after playing wuwa genshin just didnt feel fun anymore

    • @JustGre3d
      @JustGre3d 2 дня назад +10

      I dropped during chasm release lol I think I realized I just hate open world games

    • @nam6282
      @nam6282 2 дня назад +10

      Eventually I quit both because open world is too time consuming 😭🙏

    • @PolPingo
      @PolPingo 2 дня назад +7

      So you quit gambling for a better gambling?
      Genshin is bad but makes no mistakes, the problem is the gatcha factor

    • @anishjangade5600
      @anishjangade5600 2 дня назад +1

      Yup I also quited it just a year before wuwa was released.

  • @xaero07vsxaero69
    @xaero07vsxaero69 2 дня назад +82

    I know the title is hella clickbait cuz it really aint all about GI much. This would've happened regardless of what game she made guides on. That said, glad Sevy is doing better now. and wish all the best for her

    • @meowmeowblakkat
      @meowmeowblakkat 2 дня назад +2

      yeah :) it made me happy that she was happy. It was pretty inspiring :3

  • @Heyani32
    @Heyani32 2 дня назад +493

    Genshin impact killed my grandma

    • @Carlottamain
      @Carlottamain 2 дня назад


    • @darkfrostbite4628
      @darkfrostbite4628 2 дня назад +1

      Lol that's a lie but i get it 😂

    • @zmpurosmpegleris
      @zmpurosmpegleris 2 дня назад +84

      Grandmas all over the world are spending their last 600 dollars worth of healthcare funds on furina's banner.

    • @黃珩熏
      @黃珩熏 2 дня назад +1

      Genshin impact made me kill my grandma

    • @derb1809
      @derb1809 2 дня назад +4

      Genshin Ruins Grandmas

  • @Destiny87
    @Destiny87 2 дня назад +83

    Except nowhere did she say she quit Genshin. Certainly, not having to force yourself to make content since your livelihood depends on it is a great relief. Now whatever games she plays can be less "work" and more just for fun.

    • @renzgilatienza4068
      @renzgilatienza4068 2 дня назад +7

      yeah she's definitely staying for the husbandos. Just no guides...

    • @milmil5350
      @milmil5350 2 дня назад +9

      Well, let's be honest, I saw her playing games in this video and none of em were Genshin Impact. I think no one should force themselves into saying they'll never go back to a game cuz there's always a chance a good or interesting update appears in the future. But it's pretty clear she moved on & won't be playing it anywhere near as much as she used to (at least not until the game improves).

    • @Andrewkin77
      @Andrewkin77 2 дня назад +35

      @@milmil5350that wasn’t the message of her video at all? Don’t just put words in her mouth to fit your agenda. She’s tired of making guides and she wants to try variety. That doesn’t mean she quit genshin? Even if she doesn’t stream it, playing for work and just for yourself are completely different things. Her problem in the first place wasn’t genshin related at all, like come on bro

    • @renzgilatienza4068
      @renzgilatienza4068 2 дня назад +7

      @@milmil5350 Except she wasn't a tryhard like the rest of the CCs who complained about shitloads of GI stuff. She played Genshin for a bit 2 months ago. If anything, she'll just be playing a few more games that she like, but I highly doubt she'd stop playing Genshin.

    • @lewsee5562
      @lewsee5562 2 дня назад +3

      @@renzgilatienza4068 So... she's not going to stay for long. Genshin is husbando-starved currently, worse than ZZZ lmao

  • @brianmoore5366
    @brianmoore5366 2 дня назад +41

    Isn't it a little low down to weaponize someones video about their emotional journey and recovery for clicks and views.

    • @sadgekyat
      @sadgekyat День назад +18

      this mf doesn't have any issue with going as low as hell if it meant clicks and views

    • @albionexD
      @albionexD 11 часов назад +1

      I understand from your POV that at first glance, it seems that way. However, he did ask her for her permission for this video and his intention wasn't to exploit her story, but to highlight the larger issue of predatory gaming practices. Sevy herself shared her experience publicly to help others, and Tectone used his platform to amplify that message. Instead of blaming him for 'clicks and views,' maybe we should focus on the actual discussion at hand-how the practices by Hoyoverse can negatively impact players' well-being. The bigger picture matters here.

    • @brianmoore5366
      @brianmoore5366 8 часов назад

      @albionexD except Sevy's video had nothing to do with the predatory practices of games or hoyoverse. Yes, she has talked about burnout before. That burnout had nothing to do with GI. It was content creation. GI grew her channel and her guide videos where what most of her views were coming from. She focused on that content not because it's what she wanted to do but because that was what she thought she had to do to grow her channel and maintain its viewers. When u are doing something because u feel u have to and not because u want to, it inevitably ends with burnout. This is an issue not with the company. The game blew up far bigger than anyone expected it to and gave a lot of CC's their big break. This is why a lot of CC's are afraid to leave or do something different. GI has issues worth talking about, but none of that is related to Sevy's video. Tectone made it about that. He weaponized it for only reason I can think of why he would continue to talk about a game he hates this much, clicks and views.
      Sevy's video was introducing the fact that Sevy plays was not just her channel. She had a partner. He handled background stuff and she was the face of the channel. Burnout was one of the reasons she took a break, but the other reason was one she hadn't talked about. Her and her partner splitting. Her dealing with being alone for the first time in a long time. That bitter feeling of loneliness. Her not feeling like herself in a long time. Then her recovery from this. Going to therapy, finding herself again, getting use to being on her own again, and going out with friends, taking that long needed vacation, and finally getting out their a dating again. Which left her with what she wanted to do with her channel going forward. She's going to make videos she wants to make and not chasing algorithms, clicks and views. Which i am all for. She should prioritize her own mental health and make content she wants to make. Real fans will stay with her.
      I think it is really low down that he took a video having nothing to do with GI and made it about GI. If Sevy was not a GI CC, he would of never even made a video about it. I also don't remember him saying he got her permission for this video either. He leads the video stating he hopes she doesn't hate him for reacting to it cause he had drama with a CC that she is good friends with. If u leave me a time stamp I'll look for it. I simply could just not remember him saying that.
      I use to really like his video's but it seems like now all he does is drama farm and rage bait

    • @albionexD
      @albionexD 6 часов назад

      ​@@brianmoore5366 Holy essaying...
      But I'm sorry to say to tell you that "Quitting Genshin Impact Saved Her Life" was not his actual message. He saw the opportunity to meme on that, and he took it. Why? Because he dislikes what Hoyoverse had done to gacha games with their predatory practices (So am I, tbh). If you have played many different gacha games, you can see many of the predatory practices have been copied. Going back to the topic, if you watched the vid more, you can see how Tectone was relating to her experience and shared his experience in relationship and as a content creator.
      I do not want to waste your effort in typing all those, so I will still briefly respond to your points.
      First paragraph: I do not know if she signed a contract with Hoyoverse, but you should look into Hoyoverse content creator contract. Is this still not an issue with the company? Is it relevant?
      Second paragraph: I agree and support her in her journey as well.
      Third: again, it's an opportunity to shit on Hoyoverse and he is not letting it go. Iirc, he mentioned it in his livestream after watching her vid. Unfortunately, he deletes his vod for anime react and I'm unable to find the proof for you. I do hope I remember correctly tho.
      Last: I agree, even his title clickbaited and resulted in this. He did all this for engagement tho

    • @brianmoore5366
      @brianmoore5366 5 часов назад

      @albionexD He is always farming engagement. Its why I can't watch his videos anymore. U can practically write the scripts for them without watching them. I tune into his streams every now and then cause they are normally pretty chill. U get a lot more of John than Tectone.
      The title is just there to mislead people and make them click on the video. Then makes the whole video about GI no matter the content of the video cause that is all people will focus on. I don't even think he cares that much about hoyoverse. This is the same guy that would post a react to GI update live stream call it mid with stupid party game events no one cares about then watch the HSR livestream that was giving the same level of content that patch along with similar party game events and all he could talk about was how great the patch was and he couldn't wait to play the events they looked so much fun, Genshin could never. Its just about the engagement and Sevy's video is not a place for that.
      I do know about the hoyoverse CC contract. As far as I know Sevy has never mentioned being under one. Which is why label that under issues worth talking about, but not related to Sevy's video

  • @semangcats
    @semangcats 2 дня назад +115

    As someone who has been single throughout my life, trust me, being single is so much better than being stuck in a relationship with a person that's suckahh. It's a happy life. Lonely? Sure. But that's where friends come along. No friends? Do something productive to spend time so you won't feel bad. Focus on your work, or learn new things. I do crochet, drawing, embroidery, baking, cooking, gaming, now I'm trying to get into exercise.
    Things will be just fine, you'll be fine.

    • @MiyuKawasaki
      @MiyuKawasaki 2 дня назад +4

      I can't rlly do these irl things bc im struggling with derealization
      I'd need friends to meet up with irl to fix it but i have no friends to meet up with (meeting up with online friends never worked out so far and I've been trying for 5 years)

    • @ye8049
      @ye8049 2 дня назад

      This is the beauty of genshin impact, when you are tired of Hoyo’s bullshit you just uninstall and get this bittch outta here, when you feel like it or want to check out the new characters or story, you download it back and it’s still the same bittch that you ditched, it’ll get down there at your command.

    • @Shellova
      @Shellova 2 дня назад +4

      A wise man once told me, if you're not happy being single, you'll never be happy not being single. Finding happiness in other people is one of the ways of not finding one.

    • @kurokamireaper3761
      @kurokamireaper3761 2 дня назад +2

      ​@@MiyuKawasakiGood luck making friends, actual friends too.

    • @Serash4
      @Serash4 2 дня назад +1

      "A person that's suckahh" typical blaming the guy without hearing his side of story

  • @fianilhampratama2313
    @fianilhampratama2313 2 дня назад +165

    i quit all gacha games including genshin, wuwa, zzz, HSR. I feel better version of me, i am just playing AAA single player full-immersion games whenever i want, no time-gated, no daily and weekly quest at all

    • @SushiBandz
      @SushiBandz 2 дня назад +26

      Now this is what I like to see. Try Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk 2077 if you haven't yet

    • @fianilhampratama2313
      @fianilhampratama2313 2 дня назад +14

      @@SushiBandz i have and both games are amazing

    • @nchtblut
      @nchtblut 2 дня назад


    • @WostecGamesDie
      @WostecGamesDie 2 дня назад +30

      how tf do gachas effect ur lives this much? so weird

    • @bedangagogoi4410
      @bedangagogoi4410 2 дня назад

      ​​@@WostecGamesDieig if you only play gacha games it might effect you

  • @pigsinspace9927
    @pigsinspace9927 2 дня назад +143

    Apparently quiting genshin turns you into a bloody cinematographer

    • @winypacifist5034
      @winypacifist5034 2 дня назад +9


    • @Oshokko
      @Oshokko 2 дня назад +13

      shit was so fuckin cringy lmao

    • @Jay-qx9ck
      @Jay-qx9ck 2 дня назад

      It also cause major hair loss

    • @Gerald-qx9yb
      @Gerald-qx9yb 2 дня назад +2

      ​@@Oshokkoif you call having feelings causing human emotion. Then yes I'm cringey

    • @Oshokko
      @Oshokko 2 дня назад

      @@Gerald-qx9yb im talking about the camera angles shitass

  • @Sweetreonn
    @Sweetreonn 2 дня назад +39

    Bro this is clickbait af I hate content creators who do this and exploit others for views and content she never stated she’s quitting genshin and it saved her life it was about content creation and personal shit but ofc tectone gotta use it for views

    • @blackbird1891
      @blackbird1891 2 дня назад +4

      If what you’re saying is true, then leaving a comment is the worst thing you can do.

    • @Moiz.7
      @Moiz.7 2 дня назад

      ​@blackbird1891 how so? She would have burnt out on any game if all she did was play it for 2-3+ years. And he's trying to paint it as genshin ruining her life which is false, it's constant content creation without any break which ruined her mental health.

    • @blackbird1891
      @blackbird1891 2 дня назад +1

      @Moiz.7 I was responding to the earlier part of your statement - “Bro this is clickbait af I hate content creators who do this and exploit others for views and content.” When you leave a comment on RUclips it promotes the very thing that you are against - literally. That’s why you tubers ask for comments below. It boosts their content. More people will see it and creators are incentivized. No disagreement with the latter part of your statement.

    • @Moiz.7
      @Moiz.7 День назад +3

      @@blackbird1891 makes sense. However, I think comments like these get seen by many people who don't want to watch the full video to know that the video is full of shit rather than just believing in the clickbait title and first few mins of the video. I like tectones vids that don't contain hoyo or any biased views and I think many people feel the same so they don't mind feeding the algorithm however these comments are helpful in this case to counter misinformation

    • @Ayush-kc2vx
      @Ayush-kc2vx День назад

      Don't click if you can tell it is a clickbait 🤷

  • @notpokee
    @notpokee 2 дня назад +174

    genshin impact made me comment about "Changli oiled up cosplay situation."

  • @raikumokun5595
    @raikumokun5595 2 дня назад +123

    Quitting genshin impact feels like you became a born Christian that recently got baptised. Bro became free from the demons that are holding her back

  • @Guirko
    @Guirko 2 дня назад +55

    Some guy in chat: "She should play COD"
    Right, yeah, that's so much better 🤦‍♂😂

    • @Shadowmonarch-6
      @Shadowmonarch-6 2 дня назад +5

      Speedrun to get anxiety and depression just Play COD

    • @bestpriest2224
      @bestpriest2224 День назад

      Honestly, CoD is better than fucking Gacha.

    • @bestpriest2224
      @bestpriest2224 День назад +2

      ​@@Shadowmonarch-6if you get anxiety and depression from CoD maybe it's time to step outta gaming and go do something else. Nothing in your life that you do lightheartedly should make you feel that way.

  • @NikkoIsLazy
    @NikkoIsLazy 2 дня назад +73

    Quitting Genshin saved my hairline

    • @Riric07
      @Riric07 2 дня назад +3

      Hallelujah 🙏

  • @KaoShimamura
    @KaoShimamura День назад +7

    Based on the title Tectone really watched the whole idea and understood nothing

    • @Phillipmurr
      @Phillipmurr 14 часов назад

      dude literally has Genshin and derangement syndrome .. And cries When he gets call out on it,,,

  • @Midnightmistake-kz5rg
    @Midnightmistake-kz5rg 2 дня назад +63

    Just a remind of a Healthy balance of gaming, and real life interset and .. don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to do new things.

  • @chibicas
    @chibicas 4 часа назад +1

    I don't play gatcha anymore so I don't watch your videos anymore but god damn when I randomly stumble upon your videos they're hilarious. I love how you mix the humor but can take things seriously. God bless your soul dude 😂

  • @iamWcked
    @iamWcked 2 дня назад +83

    Wuwa saved me from raging and playing moba everyday.
    Now i just rage for once or twice a month when i don't get the character i want.
    9/10 would play again

    • @Soparandom
      @Soparandom 2 дня назад +8

      I quit Wild Rift and haven't touched ML because of WuWa

    • @devilkazumi578
      @devilkazumi578 2 дня назад +2

      I still play honor of kings even tho the matchmaking is cancer

    • @Shadowmonarch-6
      @Shadowmonarch-6 2 дня назад +2

      Me raging everyday because of BloodStrike PUBGM CODM ML HoK and Wild Rift.

    • @rusty9835
      @rusty9835 2 дня назад +2

      You have been playing for 3 hours, why don't you rest for a while? i love WuWa

    • @melchiade84
      @melchiade84 2 дня назад

      ​@@devilkazumi578 I only play simulation against bots just chilling

  • @Akiro367
    @Akiro367 2 дня назад +27

    I am happy for her moving on and starting a new chapter in her life I wish her the best going forward

  • @melonplays4456
    @melonplays4456 2 дня назад +33

    It might have saved her life, but nothing can save Tectone's bald head

  • @cubemage3336
    @cubemage3336 2 дня назад +13

    Ngl quitting gacha in general was such a great decision for me. I never realized how bad it was while I was in it, but damn. Having all the fomo stuff, brain dead gameplay, all the intentionally time-consuming chores...

  • @Godsbackhand7
    @Godsbackhand7 2 дня назад +6

    Quit all gacha games a year and a half ago. Freed up so much time and I have gotten back into my enjoyment of single-player games. I’m back to actually enjoying playing video games and stories, challenging gameplay and most importantly…putting games down and moving on to something else. Played Elden Ring about two years after everyone else. Finally finished The Witcher. Was able to finally get around to Persona 5 (great game). Still have a bunch of games in my backlog that I have been putting off getting through, but at least now I feel like I don’t have pressure and that I can eventually actually get through some great and well-made games.

  • @fidelcastro3158
    @fidelcastro3158 2 дня назад +45

    Quitting genshin saved my marriage,,,ifykyk

  • @TheDragonOfDirge
    @TheDragonOfDirge 2 дня назад +21

    The brilliance of Tectones head remains as radiant as ever so dazzling, in fact, that it blinds me daily, rendering even the sun a mere reminder of his luminous presence.

    • @toxicjig8231
      @toxicjig8231 2 дня назад +1

      That's just his baldness

    • @DepressedSKK
      @DepressedSKK 2 дня назад +1

      When will your hologram release? I want you to kick my ass 🤙😩

  • @JaniceBallard-y5z
    @JaniceBallard-y5z 2 дня назад +156

    You deserve better, therefore giving up Genshin is like putting an addict to sleep!

  • @ozzcoremidmx8287
    @ozzcoremidmx8287 2 дня назад +5

    To be honest... I liked how Sevvy edited the video, it was a very very good edition

    @THEGREENHELIUM 2 дня назад +7

    The way if you can’t get away from Genshin one has to learn that you can’t take anything about it seriously. Don’t watch the official livestreams, don’t browse the subreddit, don’t watch RUclipsrs talk about it if you can help it.
    At the end of the day, it’s a game and it is temporary.

  • @AnkitSingh00-01
    @AnkitSingh00-01 2 дня назад +29

    This is one of few times i have seen tectone being sincere towards another youtuber.
    Thank you

    • @SleepParty30
      @SleepParty30 2 дня назад +5

      when has he ever lied?

    • @AnkitSingh00-01
      @AnkitSingh00-01 День назад +4

      @SleepParty30 that's true, I just didn't wanted him to be harsh on sevy

    • @ittehitteh9322
      @ittehitteh9322 День назад

      @ the kindergarden kids playing genshit would hard disagree with you

  • @Lainxxs
    @Lainxxs 2 дня назад +78

    What even is genshin about other than dailies, allwhat happened was my gradesdropped when I played that game often

    • @ashiqprio2485
      @ashiqprio2485 2 дня назад +12

      Staring at your waifu or picking mints

    • @jamrodgers121
      @jamrodgers121 2 дня назад +19

      Personally that is every gacha. It is amazing how big of a difference in fun a good AAA game is vs a "good" gacha. Playing for currency to get a character vs just playing to have fun.

    • @Serash4
      @Serash4 2 дня назад +5

      Every gacha games becames like that after some point

    • @Lainxxs
      @Lainxxs 2 дня назад

      @@Serash4 hm true

    • @borkborkinson7901
      @borkborkinson7901 2 дня назад +2

      I've been playing wuwa since launch and it's no different. I promised my self that I would uninstall the game if I ever got an s1 lingyang (and I did), but installed the game again afterwards after a few days. It has become a chore but the dailies and waveplates live rent free in my head.

  • @rizzan859
    @rizzan859 2 дня назад +7

    its the withdrawal syndrome from Playing too much Genshin for so many years with memories of her partner... Working out and irl activities will heal you. and stay away from Genshin.

  • @Aimsight04
    @Aimsight04 2 дня назад +32

    I quit genshin for good when inazuma came out because i felt burnout. Genshin doesn't respect my time. After playing wuwa now I realize I can complete daily quests and also spend 240 waveplates in just 5 minutes. For 5 days i played only 5 minute and the remaining 2 days did events and exploration map or anythings.❤ I've been playing wuwa since it was released. I personally don't feel burnout from this game because Kuro respects my busy schedule irl. Because of this I can manage my playing time well now without losing any limited events items that i love to collected. I will enjoy playing wuwa more in the long run. Thanks Kuro games. ❤

    • @se7en-impact
      @se7en-impact 2 дня назад +4

      That's actually not the best argument because current Genshin dailies also take 5 mins (collect 5-7 crystalflies in that one Fontaine spot, convert into 5 condensed Resin, collect daily reward, spend the condensed resin, done). But definitely not suggesting you add the game back if you are enjoying WuWa. I personally quit both and will probably quit Star Rail as well (leaving me with just GFL2)

    • @vinceunknown1935
      @vinceunknown1935 2 дня назад +4

      ​@se7en-impact ZZZ dailies take 30 seconds lets see Genshin do that 😂

    • @Aimsight04
      @Aimsight04 2 дня назад +1

      In wuwa you only play solo for each domain. No need to wait for the matching queue and hoping a whale is on your team to help you. Now in wuwa 2.0 you can spend double waveplate (resin) for double rewards.

    • @z.lahrour
      @z.lahrour 2 дня назад

      ​​@@se7en-impactyou only get those points that allow you to complete dailies by condensing resin if you are more active in the game (exploring, doing quests...), but if you rarely do that due to a busy schedule and you mostly rely on events, then you will run out of them faster, it happened to me as i became busier to do quests or explorations and i was mostly just focusing on events, but around the last ten days or so of every patch I'd run out of points, it sucks, meanwhile wuwa and HSR allow me to do my dailies quickly without needing the requirement of stacking those points.

    • @KameradVonTurnip
      @KameradVonTurnip 2 дня назад

      Genshin's dailies take about 15 minutes to finish and honestly it isn't even manditory. If you stack on weekly/monthly stuff. It's not that much time. Just gets mundane is all.

  • @napuzu
    @napuzu День назад +2

    I never feels forced to play any game so do you guys, I play whenever I want and not that low to comparing any game to make my game better, and for Genshin I only play it for the first week after patch update, because I love the story so much.

  • @shionwandering
    @shionwandering 2 дня назад +13

    Quitting Genshin is like putting an addict to rest because *you* deserve better!

  • @Vortex2056
    @Vortex2056 2 дня назад +6

    I recently realized playing gacha make me unsocial i started caring about spending in game energy instead of getting out with my friend so fuck gacha and their energy system I play when I have time and sometimes I don't even log in for whole week

  • @Lazarwolfe0
    @Lazarwolfe0 2 дня назад +8

    Liking who you are isn't narcissism, I mean, of course the Internet doesn't know that, but hey, I'm glad tectone is in a better place. He's a chill dude.

    • @Gerald-qx9yb
      @Gerald-qx9yb 2 дня назад

      Don't let someone else define who you are cause you know what you are.
      Unless you're a Politician, Royalty, Dictator and or Figurehead pretty much not be yourself be Perfect all the time.

    • @solidarity9371
      @solidarity9371 День назад

      Dude, he's still alive. Let the man spend the rest of his lives doing his thing.

  • @CarnageBringer
    @CarnageBringer 2 дня назад +3

    So far, the only successful relationship w/ a work partner is one that shares everything. Even the spotlight.

  • @tsuraiuzai881
    @tsuraiuzai881 2 дня назад +11

    I played this game for a month during 2020 and then left. Came back a year later, played for a few days, and then left again. Come Sumeru, I was able to stay for a month or so, only to leave again. Come Fontaine, played one day only, come Natlan, also one day. I somehow was still able to keep up with the game's storyline without playing, but it's just so... flat. It felt like a chore rather than a game because of the unskippable story. I'm an avid gamer, but Genshin could not retain my attention like Wuwa was able to.

  • @Miris6
    @Miris6 День назад +1

    Everything that was in this video: ARE YOU LEAVING GENSHIN!?

  • @maxwellentertainment914
    @maxwellentertainment914 2 дня назад +4

    bro imagine not working for 5 months over a breakup

  • @RealJayNice
    @RealJayNice 2 дня назад +10

    Ima be honest this was a pretty good video I give it 10/10. Sevyplays found happiness. And Tectone giving life advice and experiences.That ending was just.💯❤️

  • @gimmickpuppet2181
    @gimmickpuppet2181 2 дня назад +7

    "You're not you when you're hungry" - snickers

  • @milmil5350
    @milmil5350 2 дня назад +3

    She's playing Love and Deepspace & Infinity Nikki?
    Based. ❤

  • @nishanloffa3088
    @nishanloffa3088 2 дня назад +31

    Damn didn't knew pela had such a lore

    • @gryphon1708
      @gryphon1708 2 дня назад +6

      Aint no way dawg 😂💀

    • @kkodeko
      @kkodeko 2 дня назад +1

      how are they similar? 😭

    • @axi6357
      @axi6357 2 дня назад

      ​@@kkodeko a nerd with glasses ig

    • @futsufudan577
      @futsufudan577 День назад

      bro lmao

  • @pkn854
    @pkn854 2 дня назад +3

    I literally tried to get back into Genshin the other day… redownloading my huge storage of the game, tried the spiral abyss and thought to myself that this is not fun anymore and happily deleted it with no regrets. I have Wuwa to thank for that when 2.0 dropped.

  • @LoneFenrir
    @LoneFenrir 2 дня назад +3

    This title is painting a pretty inaccurate message. Sevy covered more then just genshin and it's clear from the video that it was more then just genshin that she was dealing with that caused her to quit guides. I know ppl are gonna think I'm defending genshin but all I'm saying is this video doesn't seem like it was about genshin ruining her life but about a human person dealing with loss of a relationship and not finding passion in the guide craft. Why make it about "genshin sucks, ppl quitting"

    • @SadBoy-pr6zq
      @SadBoy-pr6zq 2 дня назад +3

      She literally says she's burnt out from the game. The other problems just pushed it even further

    • @person2795
      @person2795 2 дня назад

      She was burned out from the game which happens to basically all games, but people will just say genshin ruined her life 😂

  • @skiarytn6744
    @skiarytn6744 2 дня назад +2

    What’s next for Sevy? Sevy and Bald LaDS streaming collab ✨
    Seriously tho girl looks so happy and happy for her 🥹

  • @Vickthor_1
    @Vickthor_1 2 дня назад +8

    Title is very misleading, genshin was never trying to kill her, she took the role, got bored and quit, just like everyone else, it's very common everywhere there's days

    • @tnn-cj3vy
      @tnn-cj3vy 2 дня назад +2

      tectone clickbaiting? that's crazy news! what next, he's bald?

    • @Vickthor_1
      @Vickthor_1 День назад

      @tnn-cj3vy if his not blad his not tectone

  • @nssavage6061
    @nssavage6061 2 дня назад +2

    Quitting genshin save my life from being something I didn’t want to become

  • @tasenova2717
    @tasenova2717 2 дня назад +5

    what a title. Like, I'm not a genshin rider. i quit that 4 years ago, but it's more so genshins' opportunity was also her boyfriends. making such a bitter an exhausting shell of time

  • @VERAfy
    @VERAfy 2 дня назад +9

    Going from Genshin to LADS is like jumping from a boiling frying pan into lava itself.

  • @soundsOf75
    @soundsOf75 2 дня назад +44

    I've never seen a game that completely ruins people psychologically like Genshin. these content creators are so miserable. now these content creators make money so imagine what this level of burnout does to regular people. thank fuck I quit this game in 2023

    • @WarSuperior
      @WarSuperior 2 дня назад +19

      lol the title got mislead you , sevy's mental health got ruined by real life things not genshin

    • @laron1231
      @laron1231 2 дня назад +5

      Bro did you even watch the video?

    • @ittehitteh9322
      @ittehitteh9322 2 дня назад +5

      🤡gensimps aint gonna like your comment.

    • @Hoyobastard
      @Hoyobastard 2 дня назад +2

      ​@@WarSuperior pretty sure genshin drive sevy burnout = mental health. Its not that deep, making guide, complete daily, shitty long archon gaddam no skip button

    • @WarSuperior
      @WarSuperior 2 дня назад +7

      ​​@@Hoyobastardi don't think so, even me got burned out but it didn't affect my mental health at all, only real life events can affect our mental health

  • @vinzolaguer2943
    @vinzolaguer2943 2 дня назад +3

    20:52 the glazing is insane

  • @randomdude33-m4d
    @randomdude33-m4d 2 дня назад +2

    probably the most wholesome video on baldy's channel

  • @eliminat20
    @eliminat20 День назад +1

    If you don’t let the game consume you, it’s not bad. But too many people let the game take over their life. I’m still playing and haven’t spent anything in over a year. (And no, this had nothing to do with the “Boycott Genshin”). Genuinely I stopped spending because I realized that it was going too far.
    People can hate the community, the company, and the monitization. But the game without all those is still wonderful.
    But anyways, do what you want and how you want. Do what you love, but don’t let it consume you in an unhealthy way. Spread love, stop hate.

  • @LuCkYplayz88
    @LuCkYplayz88 2 дня назад +2

    No need to put misinformation on the title man. GI is not the reason for this.
    But addrssing Sevy course, glad she is on a new path.

  • @kpe02
    @kpe02 2 дня назад +4

    I sometimes miss Genshin but at the same time I get super annoyed when I open the game

  • @Kousaidex
    @Kousaidex 2 дня назад +9

    Why is he wearing cap, to cap his baldness?!

  • @Moiz.7
    @Moiz.7 2 дня назад +2

    ZZZ ruined every single gacha for me. it's so much better and less time-consuming. Dailies are just walking a few steps, and you’re done. Simulated universe equivalent is done way quicker aswell and we get like 3 events reset every week. Hopefully it remains the same with the addition of new stuff gradually cuz it blows everything out of the water currently

  • @carlotta_montelli-142
    @carlotta_montelli-142 2 дня назад +15

    tectone ask when saint will cosplay as oilup changli

    • @AvirBaner
      @AvirBaner 2 дня назад +5

      It might be able to save saint from going bald too

  • @Cryo7914
    @Cryo7914 День назад +1

    This has more story telling than HSR 3.0 version😭

  • @AfterAFashionASMR
    @AfterAFashionASMR День назад +1

    News Flash: If you get to a place where you don’t feel like yourself anymore - DO NOT waste time trying to get back to who you were. That person is GONE. You can only move forward and find yourself in a new you that feels like you. I wasted so much time trying to get back to feeling like myself again. Just do whatever you can to let the past go in the healthiest way possible and discover who you are now after all you’ve been through.

  • @jebbur439
    @jebbur439 День назад +1

    Depression hit hard with this one

  • @Shinra0629
    @Shinra0629 2 дня назад +6

    Yeah quitting genshin is very worth it, Even your hair manage to escape from it using the same technique it used to escape from your Baldy head.

  • @Gota82
    @Gota82 2 дня назад +3

    23:00 To be completely honest, making only guides sounds like hell to me, no matter the game or genre. There’s no real enjoyment in what you’re doing-you’re just seen as customer service, following whatever the devs add. The constant pressure to upload the first guide video for maximum views is exhausting. There’s hardly any real engagement with your audience; they’re just numbers on a screen, only there for the help you provide.
    On the other hand, streaming with a community that you built and love is so much more fulfilling. Having people who watch you for who you are, not just what you play, is truly priceless. Take Penguinz0 as an example, bro literally gain millions of views on random topics that no asked for but I still watch his video's becuase I enjoy the way he present it.
    Also: If you're quitting Genshin Impact. Quit Gacha games all together, there is no gacha game that will stay forever. Genshin was fun at one point and people now are quitting it, but that's the same shit for every gacha game. That's how they're designed.

  • @milflord3345
    @milflord3345 2 дня назад +1

    Getting into Genshin was one of the worst decisions I ever made. I was already a game addict but adding the money, fomo, etc into the mix just took it to the next level. Hoyoverse being so f*cking scummy that I couldn’t ignore it anymore was what saved me.

  • @karlmac1698
    @karlmac1698 День назад +3

    Completely missing the point of the video and making it about genshin and wuwa is something y’all dumbfuqs would do 😂

  • @michaelmaddox2536
    @michaelmaddox2536 День назад +1

    Tectone needs to stop lying on other creators. Especially the wholesome ones.

  • @RedDragon-yp3tg
    @RedDragon-yp3tg 2 дня назад +2

    Way too much drama over just quitting a video game. lol. Women live such privileged lives.

  • @Jiyan2308
    @Jiyan2308 2 дня назад +2

    this is the most inspirational video i have ever seen

  • @saturnzbarz1350
    @saturnzbarz1350 2 дня назад +1

    I decided to quit after I saw Brant for the first time a two weeks before his banner in WuWa. I stopped playing to focus on only WuWa so I could get the pulls. Happily have S1R1 for now with hopes of S2 on his rerun, and still I don't want to return just yet. I plan on coming back Tuesday for the update like I do with my friend every time, but I have no excitement or joy about it. Honestly, Ifa is my biggest reason right now to not quit. I hope his official release will keep me impressed. If not I have bad news for my friend who still loves Genshin...

  • @ElizabethBaiden-h1h
    @ElizabethBaiden-h1h 2 дня назад +2

    quitting genshin impact is like having your life after years

  • @CasaUwU
    @CasaUwU 2 дня назад +11

    I watched her video within 30 mins of release. Filipina girls bounce back hard.

  • @thitharaudiya8033
    @thitharaudiya8033 2 дня назад +2

    Quit genshin pretty early not long after its first anniversary because I'm so disappointed with both the story and the direction the game is heading. I'm so burn out and didn't even wait the monthly to finish, I'm just tired. Definitely one of the best decision in my life.
    I do come back though during Fontaine and honestly find genshin pretty decent as an offline game, ignoring the gacha, daily, and grinding. But I no longer feels any attachment to the game and quit as soon as the AQ finished. Planning to come back again during Natlan until they show the pokeman land, yeah forget it.
    Thanks Natlan for convincing me to give another try for Wuwa and find out how wonderful Rinascita is 🙏

  • @wkn-ix3vt
    @wkn-ix3vt 2 дня назад +1

    Quitting genshin is like Teccy's bald head: your future is bright

  • @viazards
    @viazards День назад +1

    waiting for her react video on Tectone's reaction lmaoooooooo

    • @aclsBLSecg
      @aclsBLSecg День назад +3

      i think she's not really the reacting type. the most maybe is a 1-2 min reaction of it on her stream?

  • @exploreevery
    @exploreevery 2 дня назад +13

    😢 Natlan break genshin reputation into pieces

    • @Armong_G
      @Armong_G 2 дня назад

      Nod-krai will save us! It's looking promising with Dottore and I think another harbinger will be there and now we know Varka is going there as well. Big lore drops soon 😊

    • @grimkxdo
      @grimkxdo 2 дня назад


    • @Armong_G
      @Armong_G День назад

      ​@@grimkxdowhy wuwa players so toxic and rude 😢

    • @iamjustice1995
      @iamjustice1995 День назад +1

      ​@@Armong_GCheck your past comments here, and guess who's the more toxic between both of you.😂

    • @grimkxdo
      @grimkxdo День назад

      @@iamjustice1995 bruh 💀 I thought I was cooked

  • @raizel226
    @raizel226 День назад +1

    ngl the video is really well maded

  • @_thestar
    @_thestar День назад +1

    Can't sympathise with someone who record themselves acting sad

    • @aclsBLSecg
      @aclsBLSecg День назад +2

      i think it was more of a dramatization of what happened and not "the actual moment" of her being sad. if she's gonna make this a decent cinematization, doing that is a decent decision.

  • @AshUkihime
    @AshUkihime 2 дня назад +5

    Her video was so wonderful.

  • @Kurokawa_Mitsuki
    @Kurokawa_Mitsuki 2 дня назад +11

    With how hectic it is already here in the Philippines, quitting Genshin Impact is one of the best decisions to ever do after all of those times of what it did to you mentally and personally. Away from the community's drama, being able to heal from burnout, and healing oneself from the mental problems that occur in life. Stress is one of the most present problems here in the Philippines. 24/7 we students or adults don't have time to relax. We enjoy our lives more when we were children. Our way of getting away from these problems is we either hangout with friends we truly trust, have cats or dogs as companions, listen to music alone, or do some hobbies we like. Relationships here are on the scale of good to hell nah. You'll be surprised how much toxic relationships are still present and how many get back together after a toxic breakup. Also, living with our parents is also a norm here. It's either they are our medicine for our struggles or our guide in life while we stay with them.
    Imma stop yapping here.

    • @Kurokawa_Mitsuki
      @Kurokawa_Mitsuki 2 дня назад

      ​@@Brynjar1she's a content creator

    • @Kurokawa_Mitsuki
      @Kurokawa_Mitsuki 2 дня назад

      ​@@Brynjar1 not only that, if your friends are part of the community you're still being affected by it as long as you're in the same space arguing opinions.

  • @katherinefullbody4635
    @katherinefullbody4635 2 дня назад +2

    So a man was behind the success, and once the man is gone she’s done😂
    Deep down I always knew it.

  • @lyneedsmoraxxx
    @lyneedsmoraxxx 2 дня назад +1

    I still play Genshin Impact. The only difference is I came back to being f2p. I stopped spending on the game.

  • @invernofuyu2542
    @invernofuyu2542 2 дня назад +2

    Quitting Genshin to play this 22:28 is like stopping drinking Heineken to drink Budweiser 😭

  • @HaZzy_0924
    @HaZzy_0924 День назад +1

    I quit Genshin Impact during the first Zhongli banner because my phone couldn't handle it anymore. Hahaha! Thank God I did-it was a blessing in disguise.

  • @hanakozaki_rin
    @hanakozaki_rin День назад

    Quitting Genshin and Genshin Art improved my Artstyle.

  • @nickarooroo6397
    @nickarooroo6397 2 дня назад

    Such a vulnerable video to make and genuinely happy for her

  • @Tovy
    @Tovy 2 дня назад +1

    Tectone hating on genshin has got to be one of the constants of the universe

  • @Alliedmasteecomputer
    @Alliedmasteecomputer 2 дня назад +2

    At this point genshin is literally the most addictive Gacha game by Hoyoverse

  • @kernelscout3077
    @kernelscout3077 2 дня назад +7

    Her acting out her narration makes it seem so ungenuine lol.

    • @AMatthew005
      @AMatthew005 День назад +2

      Exactly this, should be more genuine if it is just random clips of her usual activities instead of acting lmao. But still glad that she's getting better.

    • @kernelscout3077
      @kernelscout3077 День назад +2

      @@AMatthew005 i wouldve been fine with a 15 minute video of her just talking in front of her camera with her bunnies on her lap as she shows pictures of her vacations.

    • @lilypayne4388
      @lilypayne4388 День назад +2

      I mean, true, but she said she has always had a passion for creation. Theater, writing, video, she listed all these. And well, they're all part of this video. It's her piece of mixed art.

  • @KarenSedrova-kv5gq
    @KarenSedrova-kv5gq 2 дня назад +36

    Not seen it explained so simply before!

  • @rajaryan-fe1oy
    @rajaryan-fe1oy 2 дня назад +2

    The title is insensitive, that's all I'll say

  • @iquoteeverythingisay4627
    @iquoteeverythingisay4627 2 дня назад +1

    i dont know if i should be blessed about the fact i never dove too deep into fontaine and natlan in genshin impact before quitting. what ultimately made me quit was the exploration in natlan as i found it to be frustrating

  • @Algo_de_Alguem
    @Algo_de_Alguem 2 дня назад +1

    quittinh Genshin was great. I will never come back. They would have to do drastic permanent changes to have a chance

  • @EAting_the_mEAl
    @EAting_the_mEAl 2 дня назад +11

    Quitting genshin feels like leaving a satanic cult

  • @Chronoic
    @Chronoic 2 дня назад +1

    4"45 Never go into business with friends and family, because making the hard decisions will become harder.

  • @masumiiyano
    @masumiiyano 2 дня назад +9

    I quit this game at about the same time Sumeru came out. I realized where the game was headed, and as someone who enjoys cozy games, or action sometimes, Genshin just become boring, and when I stopped liking it, I stopped playing. Good thing I didnt force myself.

    • @shionwandering
      @shionwandering 2 дня назад

      I never played it but I like the character designs

    • @AtiPGenshin5
      @AtiPGenshin5 2 дня назад +3

      You know what , i deleted the game after reading this comment, I don't know why but I was kinda forcing myself to play Genshin for the last few months. I didn't even enjoy playing. Thanks man

    • @Unknown-mf7wh
      @Unknown-mf7wh 2 дня назад

      @@AtiPGenshin5 Yeah I quitted after Mavuika/Citlali banner drama... I was able to get Mavuika, and I wanted her weapon, but oh surprise, weapon banner is dogsh1t and lost 50/50... so I decided to get Citlali, but also lost... two limited characters at the same time, that go perfect togheter was beyond greedy, and exploration/dmg powercreep was too much as well...
      Natlan was just a whole bunch of bullsh1t... I literally got the FOMO effect, just forcing myself to play so I can get enough rewards to pull the characters... it wasn´t worth it. And thank god I didn´t waste any money

  • @mostlysunnytx6937
    @mostlysunnytx6937 2 дня назад +1

    Damn didn’t know she took a break because he was doing all the editing/scripting while she was just the face of the channel, no wonder she didn’t feel like herself. It’s hard to have someone script your whole channel & not feel like yourself.

  • @DstRx99
    @DstRx99 День назад

    as such teccy being one of the honest streamer out there due to his experience with the game itself by my god gracious....
    his chat reminds me of chat 1 of honkai impact 3rd level