The Science-Driven Secrets to Strength Training to Run Faster - Dr Victoria Sekely

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025

Комментарии • 11

  • @alanshrimpton6787
    @alanshrimpton6787 2 месяца назад +1

    What a great gal. Keeps it nice and simple. I'm 62 this year and while i am doing the squats, deadlifts and calf raises I see great benefits too in those extra exercises so I include skipping rope as a warm up, pull ups and push ups are in my routine. It's amazing when you stop for a week how quickly an old man looses strength.

  • @L00PYDRAG0N
    @L00PYDRAG0N 2 месяца назад +3

    That was an amazing chat. Victoria's energy and enthusiasm is off the charts.
    Out of all your podcasts, this is definitely the most important one for everyone. 🤙

    • @RelaxedRunning
      @RelaxedRunning  2 месяца назад +1

      She's a legend. Glad you liked it brother!

  • @pol33-z7e
    @pol33-z7e 2 месяца назад +1

    Wow, thank you so much for your efforts in creating this! It's incredibly informative albeit simplified. You have no idea how much your videos have helped me gain deeper insights into the nuances of running. It's especially appreciated since so much information out there tends to cater primarily to elite athletes, making it challenging for others like me (working 9-5 job, with other responsibilities) to relate.

    • @RelaxedRunning
      @RelaxedRunning  2 месяца назад

      Amazing news! You're the exact kind of person I want to make content for! I'm so glad it helps. ♥

  • @MyFatAdaptedLife
    @MyFatAdaptedLife 2 месяца назад +1

    43:46 Respectfully disagree with Dr. Seely. There is no such a thing as an essential carbohydrate, only essential amino acids and essential fatty acids. These two macronutrients are classified as "essential" because the body can't create them endogenously; hence, they can only be taken in exogenously. Carbohydrates are not classified as "essential" because the body has a demand-driven process called gluconeogenesis, in which the body creates the glycogen it needs when needed. Hence, a human does not need to take in exogenous carbohydrates. I'm completely fat-adapted and have not consumed a carb or a plant in almost four years. I run up to 100 miles a week on only ruminants, water, and salt. In November, I ran five marathons in five days while fasting. BTW, I'm a 62 y.o. LMHR.

  • @acklimamaharaj8015
    @acklimamaharaj8015 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for speaking about non elite runners. More like this please.

  • @tigmax8
    @tigmax8 2 месяца назад

    You definitely need to know you're own body. I know that if I were to go to the gym on the same day I did a hard session I would be risking injury. However, I'm also aware that the advice given here to strength train is essential as I got injured last year when not doing any strength training as I didn't feel like I had the time and prioritised more running.

  • @manamana6117
    @manamana6117 2 месяца назад

    would a high quality rebounder be good