Shooting LEGO Targets...

  • Опубликовано: 13 мар 2025
  • Shooting LEGO® Targets has never been so fun! A remote-controlled LEGO® tank must pass through many levels of target shooting! The levels get more and more difficult with each success, so the tank must be upgraded several times to achieve its full potential! Welcome to Shooting LEGO® Targets!
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Комментарии • 855

  • @BrickMachinesChannel
    @BrickMachinesChannel  Год назад +257

    Check out my newest video! It's epic!видео.html

  • @TopHatTITAN
    @TopHatTITAN Год назад +1729

    I love how the tank has a personality. It gets frustrated when it can't get the target and either rolls away or tries to jam the obstruction and it spins in joy when it succeeds. Very cute

    • @BrickMachinesChannel
      @BrickMachinesChannel  Год назад +248

      Thanks so much! Glad you could see the personality :) That's what I was going for!

    • @castlebeki
      @castlebeki Год назад +101

      Same, never thought I would qualify a tank as cute one day in my life, but I love it. 😂❤

    • @BrickMachinesChannel
      @BrickMachinesChannel  Год назад +71

      @@castlebeki Thank you! I'm so glad that came across in the video 👍

    • @FriendlyOlive
      @FriendlyOlive Год назад +25

      Idk what’s scarier: a cute tank, or a tank with personality

    • @FriendlyOlive
      @FriendlyOlive Год назад +13

      Artificial intelligence bois

  • @Thomas-c3w5q
    @Thomas-c3w5q Год назад +170

    Never piss this man off. He will make a whole saw based torture trap purely out of lego. It would be impressive and equally as horrifying.

    • @memecatyoutube
      @memecatyoutube 11 месяцев назад +1

      No stupid he never give up building

    • @Thomas-c3w5q
      @Thomas-c3w5q 11 месяцев назад +4

      think you missed the joke friend @@memecatyoutube

    • @memecatyoutube
      @memecatyoutube 11 месяцев назад

      @@Thomas-c3w5q HES A FRICIN PRO BUILDER DUDE

    • @memecatyoutube
      @memecatyoutube 11 месяцев назад +1


    • @screentimer
      @screentimer 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@memecatyoutubesuper glue and those flat pieces that we can never seem to seperate

  • @cindyprobasco232
    @cindyprobasco232 Год назад +113

    Love the slow-mo shots and sound effects. Your ideas for new target challenges were interesting. I missed your diabolical chuckle this time around. 😅 This was a great start for my day!

    • @BrickMachinesChannel
      @BrickMachinesChannel  Год назад +11

      Thank you very much for watching and leaving such a nice comment :) So glad you enjoyed the video!

  • @dr.robertnick9599
    @dr.robertnick9599 Год назад +715

    I could almost hear the tank say:
    "I need more booletes!"
    "I need more booletes!"
    "I need bigger weapons!"

    • @BrickMachinesChannel
      @BrickMachinesChannel  Год назад +66

      lol that sounds about right!

    • @UnionCountyPhotography
      @UnionCountyPhotography Год назад +22

      Do you have beeg wepun sir? I liek beeg wepun

    • @oldhorn420
      @oldhorn420 Год назад +7

      ​​@@UnionCountyPhotography do u hev austrian penter sir? I ned him

    • @tgkisnotreal
      @tgkisnotreal Год назад +3

      @@oldhorn420wait a minute

    • @oldhorn420
      @oldhorn420 Год назад +4

      @@tgkisnotreal "it might seem crazy what I'm bout' to say"

  • @lo_zephyr_6427
    @lo_zephyr_6427 Год назад +428

    With the ammo, why not load it color coded so you know when you are getting low? Green is good, yellow is half, orange is low, red is about empty

    • @BrickMachinesChannel
      @BrickMachinesChannel  Год назад +160

      That's such a great idea! Awesome!

    • @lo_zephyr_6427
      @lo_zephyr_6427 Год назад +24

      @@BrickMachinesChannel Big fan of these types of builds, thank you for the video! It was impressive! 😁

    • @blood_reaper666
      @blood_reaper666 9 месяцев назад +20

      And the last shot could ould be black with a skull on it that would be really cool

    • @renadalsammany9949
      @renadalsammany9949 8 месяцев назад +5

      good idea bro

    • @lo_zephyr_6427
      @lo_zephyr_6427 8 месяцев назад +4

      @@renadalsammany9949 thank you! 😄

  • @RCmies
    @RCmies Год назад +186

    The different levels and slow motions were really cool. The one with the water slide pieces was very creative. Maybe you could do some of the same levels for different kind of tanks in the future

    • @BrickMachinesChannel
      @BrickMachinesChannel  Год назад +14

      Thank you! So glad you enjoyed the video :) That's a great idea BTW!

  • @samschellhase8831
    @samschellhase8831 3 месяца назад +2

    I like your creativity in your own puzzles. the see-saw puzzle, filling the weight to remove the yellow wall was especially unique.
    for the puzzle at 7:50, I was half expecting you to make an upgrade that lifted the whole turret up, not just angling the 'barrel' up, but elevating the whole turret upwards so that it could fire horizontally through the holes

  • @ThatBabyDuckSki
    @ThatBabyDuckSki Год назад +152

    To be honest, your design of the challenge for level 10 was almost more mind-blowing than the actual tank. The tank is still awesome though.

    @MAXXWORX 9 месяцев назад +6

    A controller and motors... this thing to drive, without shooting mechanism, could have held my son a bit longer in the Lego world.
    Thanks for sharing, great build!

  • @BrownBread-qq2jp
    @BrownBread-qq2jp Год назад +208

    ‘Sir I found the enemy’ ‘Where soldier?’ ‘See that pole that’s poking over that building, it’s the tanks ammo rack!’

  • @JonniP1
    @JonniP1 11 месяцев назад +8

    The tank is awesome, but I'm even more impressed by the targets! So creative and cool!

  • @bricklejar
    @bricklejar Год назад +4

    i love how you made it like a video game with the fan that you have to shoot the control for to physically turn off. so cute

  • @KynaTiona
    @KynaTiona 6 месяцев назад +2

    Those are some pretty rad tank driving skills! And I love how the tank's many upgrades somehow manage to make it even more adorable than it started off.

  • @CreativeMindstorms
    @CreativeMindstorms Год назад +24

    Those 70 rounds were very satisfying 😆. Great video!

  • @mackenziehunt7616
    @mackenziehunt7616 6 месяцев назад +2

    I could watch this tank kinda one all day. the evolution is awesome.

  • @STA-3
    @STA-3 Год назад +22

    8:15 The way it reflected off the target... XD

  • @hertsgotbeanz489
    @hertsgotbeanz489 Год назад +7

    I like the little tank, Im going to call it Smish.

  • @gmacoy
    @gmacoy 11 месяцев назад +5

    I love how the tank has a personality. It gets frustrated when it can't get the target and either rolls away or tries to jam the obstruction and it spins in joy when it succeeds. Very cute

    • @xaigamer3129
      @xaigamer3129 Месяц назад

      yeah this is copied word for word from the top comment

  • @___-6040-___
    @___-6040-___ 7 месяцев назад +2

    Nooo ahah, I love it! I want this baby tank, I need the instructions 😂😂

  • @iantassinari4942
    @iantassinari4942 Год назад +12

    Absolutely awesome, I want to see an army. Lego VS something else… this was really entertaining!!

  • @Railfanner121
    @Railfanner121 6 месяцев назад +4

    I really like how you do sped up footage of you putting each piece onto the build

  • @LegoAutoTech
    @LegoAutoTech 5 месяцев назад

    The effort you put into filming and editing the video is truly admirable! I feel so excited about LEGO Technic after watching!

  • @TracyFoster-l5v
    @TracyFoster-l5v Год назад +2

    Amazing build like always. Those motors look like SPIKE motors! This is so cool!.

  • @WeldingMask
    @WeldingMask 3 месяца назад +1

    I just came up with a few ideas while watching your video. I will soon implement the project on my channel

  • @FMLegoTechnic
    @FMLegoTechnic Месяц назад

    Such an epic test! Loved every second of it! 🚀

  • @WardrobeSwitchJammi
    @WardrobeSwitchJammi 6 месяцев назад +1

    Awesome! This video gave me a fresh perspective on shooting lego, and I’m really looking forward to more content like this 1:23

  • @UltraSpicyBro
    @UltraSpicyBro 3 месяца назад

    This is actually a very interesting concept and the fact that you upgraded your tank more times so that it could beat more levels is extremely satisfying and fun to watch.

  • @Samir_Duran
    @Samir_Duran Год назад +3

    Наглядный эволюционный процесс танка под новые условия карты. Красиво.
    A clear evolutionary process of the tank under new map conditions. Beautiful.

  • @SillyBilly-m8c
    @SillyBilly-m8c Год назад +25

    this looks like a mobile game ad

    • @ZeeJoen
      @ZeeJoen 6 месяцев назад


    • @ZeeJoen
      @ZeeJoen 6 месяцев назад +2

      Except that the game is in real life

    • @24RandY25
      @24RandY25 20 дней назад

      And I'd play it

  • @GmodAnimator2010
    @GmodAnimator2010 4 месяца назад +1

    7:25 love the spin 👍

  • @Erynash
    @Erynash Год назад +2

    I love that it's reloaded like an old Mauser pistol

  • @redstoner1583
    @redstoner1583 Год назад +9

    Lego tanks are cool!

  • @Byte_Youtube
    @Byte_Youtube Год назад +12

    I love how hard you work on these. Keep up the amazing work, Brick machines

  • @Nightro_Editz
    @Nightro_Editz 4 месяца назад

    I Do Care About Your Efforts I Like The Way Tank Gets Happy And Sad Amazing work keep going

  • @TheLordOfTheDoorHinges
    @TheLordOfTheDoorHinges Год назад +18

    This is very cool! love all the different camera angles and slow motion shots.
    Also, this part ( 0:07 - 0:48 ) in particular was very cool, I wonder how long it took to edit

    • @BrickMachinesChannel
      @BrickMachinesChannel  Год назад +3

      Thanks so much! Sometimes that does take a while to edit, but I have some helpful tools that make it go faster :)

    • @FrE4Ec-007
      @FrE4Ec-007 Год назад

      ввар14са89013ос я костя

    • @goretvaduyoutube
      @goretvaduyoutube Год назад

      👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 ты топ

  • @AbnerTaylor-s6e
    @AbnerTaylor-s6e 2 месяца назад

    When it gets upset and just bullet spam the target 🎯😂 reminds me of myself😅

  • @User-14v5s
    @User-14v5s 4 месяца назад +2

    Yay tanky game so cool

  • @EasyMachine
    @EasyMachine 8 месяцев назад

    Building with Lego is like bringing imagination to life, one brick at a time! 🚀

  • @Catwithabagpipe
    @Catwithabagpipe Год назад +1

    This makes me want To build a tank lol 😂 loved the vid

  • @vskc161
    @vskc161 Год назад +4

    Laser pointer into the "barrel": ⭐*1000

  • @Pan_Blazej
    @Pan_Blazej Месяц назад +1

    "Moooom! Dad won't let me play with my Legos again!"

  • @SmartLegoSG
    @SmartLegoSG 10 месяцев назад

    This video is so well-produced and informative. I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into it

  • @Agava68
    @Agava68 2 месяца назад

    I love watching you😄😄😄😄😄

  • @TheWererapter92
    @TheWererapter92 Год назад +4

    You really made the tank feel like it has a Personality, good job

  • @francescolanni9733
    @francescolanni9733 Год назад

    I think this is the closest real life videogame experience I've ever seen.
    Great video!

  • @fabianghg22
    @fabianghg22 Год назад +1

    Cool video, hat was incredible😎

  • @r0l3nd
    @r0l3nd Месяц назад

    Funniest LEGO video I've ever seen! Thx ^_^

  • @blockpartyrobotleague
    @blockpartyrobotleague Год назад +9

    This was a fun one! I liked the variety of targets you managed to come up with, very cool!

  • @gamma2581
    @gamma2581 Год назад +3

    I would recommend putting the turrets pitch above the turning instead of below it to make it easier to control

  • @TheRadradrobot
    @TheRadradrobot 6 месяцев назад

    Really enjoyed this. Haha. Going to share this with my kids.

  • @Miner2Hero
    @Miner2Hero Год назад +6

    This is awesome!!! In a future video you should add a laser sight to better aim your shots

    • @BrickMachinesChannel
      @BrickMachinesChannel  Год назад +2

      That's a great idea! Thank you!

    • @csx_defectdetector
      @csx_defectdetector Год назад +1

      @@BrickMachinesChannel I was thinking the same thing!

    • @BrickMachinesChannel
      @BrickMachinesChannel  Год назад +1

      @@csx_defectdetector That's awesome! I wish I'd have thought of it, but I'm so glad my viewers bring up these improvements to me!

  • @MiniLegoSG777
    @MiniLegoSG777 4 месяца назад

    high-quality and engaging content

  • @bastianfernandez6683
    @bastianfernandez6683 3 месяца назад

    Me parecen muy adorables estos videos 😁

  •  4 месяца назад

    It is awesome and super good

  • @mauriciohschmitz
    @mauriciohschmitz Год назад +1

    haha! The cute robot!😂

  • @Carlos3_57
    @Carlos3_57 9 месяцев назад

    This is such a cool video, I love seeing the progression of the tank slowly getting better!

  • @LegoBoomSG
    @LegoBoomSG 7 месяцев назад

    your video looks so clean, no redundant details

  • @carlosrodriguezborges2990
    @carlosrodriguezborges2990 3 месяца назад +1


  • @Agakalksahurdiyenşeker
    @Agakalksahurdiyenşeker 7 месяцев назад

    a real architect 👏🏻

  • @Pixelator123
    @Pixelator123 3 месяца назад

    my top 3 fav channels are brick science, brick machines, and brick technology

  • @7_gaming-YT
    @7_gaming-YT Год назад +1

    Ur videos is so funny man, u make me laugh in my dark day

    • @BrickMachinesChannel
      @BrickMachinesChannel  Год назад

      Thank you! I'm so glad my video made you laugh ☺️ I'm sorry you're having a bad day. 😞 I'll ask God to take care of you and give you peace 🙏

    • @7_gaming-YT
      @7_gaming-YT Год назад

      aw thank you man@@BrickMachinesChannel

  • @stemplus7450
    @stemplus7450 4 месяца назад +1

    Really helpful!!! thanks

  • @gabcamara
    @gabcamara 8 месяцев назад

    The tank spinning around lol 😂😂😂

  • @foxus7511
    @foxus7511 Год назад

    this video is worthy of respect

  • @bobloccgemingchanil
    @bobloccgemingchanil Год назад +1

    why do I find the video or the tank so cute
    especially this part 11:04

  • @starvedgarden7462
    @starvedgarden7462 3 месяца назад

    be cool if this was a kit I could buy. this is sick

  • @Burgurcheese_1025
    @Burgurcheese_1025 9 месяцев назад

    Bro is so under appreciated , shits cool as hell and takes so long to build

  • @kraangprime
    @kraangprime 2 месяца назад

    I just discovered your channel and I absolutely love what you're doing here. It's amazing.

  • @changhp74
    @changhp74 Год назад +2

    This is an amazing video! I love it and want to make one myself! Would you please share what’s the 1x3 block at the cannon muzzle? It looks very special but important for launching bullets. Thanks so much!

  • @CapnShanty
    @CapnShanty Год назад +1

    I just wanna have the instructions for building the tank >_> I'll pay >_> super fun!

  • @jeb-the-doomed
    @jeb-the-doomed Год назад +1

    Before the final update the tank just looks like a CIWS on wheels and I love it

  • @TheBimPossible
    @TheBimPossible Месяц назад


  • @markedwards9827
    @markedwards9827 Год назад

    i tell you.i had noooooo idea all this lego stuff was out there till we bought ECTO-1 ghostbusters car.and all this tech stuff these people come up with.mind blown away

  • @khaawm318
    @khaawm318 10 месяцев назад +1

    what a cute tank

  • @Nate-Great-Fate
    @Nate-Great-Fate Год назад

    Tanks for this awesome video!

  • @IinhaleLEAD
    @IinhaleLEAD Год назад +1

    Tank destroyer lego is awesome !

  • @the_dork77
    @the_dork77 Год назад +3

    The tank was like: “I am not a fan” 4:09

  • @user-errorglitchpro
    @user-errorglitchpro 11 месяцев назад

    man that tank is badass

  • @chrisspere4836
    @chrisspere4836 Год назад +2

    Please do a video explaining how to use controls and reciever with this tank. Thankyou.

  • @jeffrenman4146
    @jeffrenman4146 2 месяца назад

    Oh no not you again brick machines… Hee hee… I love your videos🥰

  • @birdbricks316
    @birdbricks316 11 месяцев назад

    Very entertaining! Thanks! :D🎉

  • @RPiManiac
    @RPiManiac 5 месяцев назад

    I love your stuff. It's so cool!

  • @profBricks
    @profBricks 9 месяцев назад

    Great job, Danny!

  • @feuby8480
    @feuby8480 Год назад

    that's just awesome

  • @anhtuyanaranchimeg9075
    @anhtuyanaranchimeg9075 8 месяцев назад

    8:16 😮 amazing

  • @LineOfThy
    @LineOfThy Год назад

    awwww the tank is so cute :D

  • @スライム重工業中の人
    @スライム重工業中の人 Год назад +4


  • @RPiManiac
    @RPiManiac 5 месяцев назад

    You're good at aiming!

  • @ChaseAliveness
    @ChaseAliveness 6 месяцев назад


  • @AvatarNeo
    @AvatarNeo Год назад +4

    You should create a playable Wii Tanks with LEGO, with multiple arenas and enemy tanks.

  • @ratte6090
    @ratte6090 Год назад

    Teeny, tiny, and all kinds of cute, this little tank made my day! I'm really surprised at how ya used Technic pieces and a controller...

  • @mrduke111
    @mrduke111 10 месяцев назад

    The tanks personality is a cute dogs personality

  • @woaminibricks
    @woaminibricks Год назад

    Tank with a gun is really cool

  • @Evankeller-yb9hu
    @Evankeller-yb9hu 7 месяцев назад +9

    I can hear the tank :

    • @graffgaming5579
      @graffgaming5579 7 месяцев назад

      As a warthunder player U can relate

  • @LegoWondersOfficial
    @LegoWondersOfficial Год назад

    Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with laughter and good times! 🎈

  • @mr.fdz-alvs791
    @mr.fdz-alvs791 10 месяцев назад +1

    I like yours creations

  • @Mr.Crainfly
    @Mr.Crainfly Год назад +1

    This is a really fun watch :)

  • @bucketttz
    @bucketttz 11 месяцев назад

    Bruh I need to get the instructions for this tank this is so cool!

  • @DrDaveSalisburyPhDMBA
    @DrDaveSalisburyPhDMBA 6 месяцев назад +2

    Anyone else want a Lego tank game after this video?