The dancing slave
The clip begins in POV, Meryl is staring at Valerie (who is her slave girl), licking lips, she has captured a young slave girl, and initially, she wants her to dance for her. But as she asks her to start dancing, she looks into camera and says, yes, my plump dance for me, and when you get tired and stop, I’m going to eat you!!!!! As she continues to dance, Meryl comments how plump and juicy she is, and watching her dance has made her very hungry. Meryl comments on her thick legs, and how tasty they will be when she finally eats her up. Meryl encourages her to keep dancing, and if she stops, Meryl warns she will eat her. Meryl shows her teeth, but then she smiles as the slave girl slows down, she is getting tired. Meryl warns her again, this time, much more direct, No, no, plump, you don’t want to stop, HER EYES GROW WIDE and she says, you see, I am a he smiles again, as the dancer has collapsed, yes, says Meryl, all tired out, but all this dancing has made me so hungry. Her smile fades as Valerie starts dancing again, Valerie tells her I will dance, you’re not going to eat me!!!! Fine, says Meryl, frustrated, keep dancing, you will grow tired, and then, I will eat you. Again, Meryl smiles, as the dancer has collapsed again, her eyes widen again, and she says, poor plump little dancer, does not want to be eaten, but is too tired to dance. Now she reaches for girl, and takes her in her lap, Meryl looks down as Valerie looks up at her, terrified and tired. Her head rests on her lap right above her head. Meryl reminds the girl, I am a cannibal, I’m going to eat you, you picked the wrong time to stop,. She licks her lips with dancer in her lap and says, poor timing, but, do you know what time it is, her eyes grow wide and she says, it’s dinner time, time to eat you. She wraps her arms around Valerie, and lifts her head to her mouth as it opens wide, saying to her, do you know what will happen know, Valerie replies in a terrified whisper, you’re going to eat me. Meryl smiles and says, yes, my plump, I’m going to eat you. Meryl opens mouth wide, and sink teeth deep into flesh (her neck), sucking the juices from her body. As she is sucking, Meryl’s eyes roll back in head with pleasure, and she moans loud with pleasure. She release her bite and comments how tasty the Valerie is. Valerie pleads for her to stop, but Meryl tells her, my plan was to eat you the whole time, I’m having you for dinner. Valerie tries to escape, and Meryl pins her to the couch, and she straddles her body, before taking the next bite she laughs at Valerie and says, and says, Oh, how terrifying this must be for you, I would be afraid too if I was being eaten alive, but you are my dinner, and I’m going to eat you alive. She tilts Valerie’s head to the side, opens mouth slow, but very wide, and again, she bites, deep and hard, moaning with pleasure as she feeds. One last time, she releases her bite and lets Valeries head drop to couch, she opens her arms wide and says, come to me, she licks her lips hungrily and says again, yes come here. Valerie obeys and sits up as Meryl embraces her in her arms, she coaxes her to come closer, yes closer, just come close and let me……….EAT YOU!!!!!! And she bites for the final time, feeding until she goes
But this is not the real ending
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