you're our great dinner (MOBILE VERSION WMV)
the clip begins with both you and Val standing in front of camera, you are dressed in white shirt and Val in blue, (you with red lips and Val with black)you begin dialogue by saying we are both so hungry (you are looking down at the little man. Val continues by saying, and you look so tasty, and you smile with eyes wide and say, so plump and juicy. You both look at each other and smile, lick lips hungrily and you say to Val, we are going to eat him, yes. Val's eyes grow wide with hunger and she says, Oh, yes, he is here for dinner, we are going to eat him. He is still down on the floor and you both kneel down, still above him (POV). You now say, you are our prey little man, and Val says, and we came here to eat you. You reach down and pick him up (If you could another fat chicken leg, or breast), and you both stand, you both lick lips and eyes grow wide with hunger, you say, When you came here, I guess you did not think that you will be eaten for dinner. You look over at Val and smile, she says, yes, dinner, our dinner, we are going to eat you. You both begin to lick his body (the chicken breast or leg) all over, tasting him. After licking you comment how tasty he is. You continue by saying, and you do not have to worry, we are not going to cook you, and when you say this, Val gets excited, her eyes grow wide and say, Oh, no, we will eat you alive, you nod your head in agreement and say, that's right, we always eat out prey alive. Now you both begin to lick all over his body, he is screaming and pleading not to be eaten. Finally, you say, and now it is time for dinner, Val's eyes grow wide again, and she says, yes, time for dinner, now we will both eat you...........and you finish her sentence by saying ALIVE, we are going to eat you, alive, and Val says the same again, yes, we are going to eat you alive. You offer his body first to Val, here my dear, sink your teeth into his body, eat him. She takes the first bite, then you. Then you both devour him.
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