Naked Bad Roommate
Quin is getting tired of me not doing my chores and contributing around the house, so she approaches me about it. I apologize and tell her that I'm going to get right on it, but that's not enough for her. She decides she wants a little revenge. She just bought this special remote with mysterious powers. With one click my shirt disappears. I freak out and demand that she return my shirt, but Quin isn't finished taunting me, yet. She clicks the button again, and my shorts follow suit. Quin laughs as I try to cover myself, modestly. She refuses to give me back my clothes, insisting that I learn my lesson. She clicks the button again and again, until all of my clothes are gone! To further add to my humiliation, she makes me spin around in a circle and show my naked ass! How embarrassing! Finally she allows me to leave and I trot upstairs to put some clothes on, and promise that I'll be a better roommate from now on.
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