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Sarah DiAvola - The Brat Princess
Sarah DiAvola - The Brat Princess
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Homewrecking Feet - iPHONE

6/14/17 11:00 PM7 min306 MBmp41080p
Precio7.99 EUR
CategoríaRompe hogares


My feet are more important than your entire life and your entire family. That vacation you were going to take together? Spend that money on Me instead. Those gifts you were saving for? Spend it on Me. No matter how hard you try, you can't resist the commands of My perfect, powerful feet. My arches reach to heaven, My wrinkles are deeper than hell, and My toes are cuter than cute. Sexy, times two.

My feet own you. My bratty greed drives you. My wants are more important than your needs. Go broke for Me. Get divorced for Me. Lose your friends for Me. Lose your whole life for Me. How can you say no to these gorgeous, size 6 feet? Don't even try to resist.

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