Simply Discipline
El Gran Texas All-Star Spank Off Volumen 2
3/17/25 1:29 AM•25 min•1832 MB•mp4•4kHaz clic para previsualizar3/17/25 1:29 AM•25 min•1832 MB•mp4•4kPrecio€18.99 EURCategoríaSpanking F/mCategorías RelacionadasDominación femenina,Femdom,Azote con cepillo de pelo,Azotes OTK,AzotesDescripciónTBA
El Regreso de Sky Terrapin, parte 3
6/13/24 11:09 PM•9 min•1008 MB•mp4•720pHaz clic para previsualizar6/13/24 11:09 PM•9 min•1008 MB•mp4•720pPrecio€8.99 EURCategoríaSpanking F/mCategorías RelacionadasAzotes con Caña,Azotes Clásicos,Azotes OTK,Paliza con paleta,FlagelaciónPalabras ClaveDiscipline,Bikini,Punishment,Aftercare,CFNMDescripción"Parte 3 de 3: Sky Terrapin aumenta aún más la apuesta al azotar a fondo el trasero descarado de Peaches, seguido de un látigo de cuero.<\/p>
Sky simplemente no puede mantener sus manos alejadas de los rojos y brillantes pechos de Peaches, y los acaricia con fuerza.<\/p>
Termina su lección de etiqueta con una tabla de madera pesada e intensa, una vez más, sobre su rodilla.<\/p>
Satisfecha de que su lección haya sido aprendida, Sky acaricia con amor el trasero adolorido de Peaches, mientras él vuelve a disculparse. Todo está perdonado.<\/p>"
El Regreso de Sky Terrapin, parte 2
6/13/24 11:09 PM•7 min•824 MB•mp4•720pHaz clic para previsualizar6/13/24 11:09 PM•7 min•824 MB•mp4•720pDescripción"Parte 2 de 3: Regañándolo por su comportamiento imprudente durante todo el tiempo, Sky Terrapin lo pone sobre el sofá para el látigo de cuero.<\/p>
Agregando una dosis de humillación a la mezcla, lo pone en la posición de \"pañal\" para la correa de cuero\/caucho desagradable. Peaches no tiene más remedio que someterse y gemir.<\/p>
Sky decide demostrar aún más su poder sobre él al desnudarse y montar su torso mientras lo azota, para que él sepa exactamente dónde pertenece, es decir, bajo su trasero.<\/p>"
El Regreso de Sky Terrapin, parte 1
6/13/24 11:08 PM•5 min•625 MB•mp4•720pHaz clic para previsualizar6/13/24 11:08 PM•5 min•625 MB•mp4•720pPrecio€6.99 EURCategoríaSpanking F/mCategorías RelacionadasCFNM,Azotes Clásicos,Femdom,Azotes OTK,Paliza con paletaPalabras ClaveDiscipline,Paddle,Punishment,Leg Lock,F/mDescripción"Parte 1 de 3: La Tortuga del Cielo ha tenido suficiente. ¡Pechitas ha sido atrapada, una vez más, mirando a otras mujeres cuando estaban comiendo. ¡Muy grosero! Sky está decidida a ponerle fin.<\/p>
Ella lo ordena en la esquina y luego a bajarse los pantalones cortos. Él obedece fielmente. Luego, directamente sobre su rodilla, con los calzoncillos quitados, para una fuerte nalgada a mano desnuda. Aumentando el calor, se mueve a una ligera, pero muy punzante paleta de madera, y las llaves de las piernas lo inmovilizan!<\/p>"
El Regreso de Sky Terrapin, completo
6/13/24 11:07 PM•22 min•2446 MB•mp4•720pHaz clic para previsualizar6/13/24 11:07 PM•22 min•2446 MB•mp4•720pPrecio€18.99 EURCategoríaSpanking F/mCategorías RelacionadasAzotes con Caña,Facesitting,Femdom,Azotes OTK,Paliza con paletaDescripción"Sky Terrapin está harto! Peaches ha sido, una vez más, sorprendido mirando a otras mujeres mientras estaban comiendo. ¡Muy grosero! Sky está decidido a ponerle fin.<\/p>
Le ordena que se ponga en la esquina y luego que baje los pantalones cortos. Obedece fielmente. Luego, directamente sobre su rodilla, con las bragas quitadas, para una fuerte nalgada a mano desnuda. Aumentando el calor, pasa a un ligero, pero muy punzante palo de madera, y le pone unas esposas en las piernas!<\/span><\/p>
Regañándolo por su comportamiento descuidado durante todo el tiempo, lo pone sobre el sofá para el látigo de cuero.<\/p>
Añadiendo una dosis de humillación al asunto, lo pone en la posición del \"pañal\" para la horrible correa de cuero/caucho. Peaches no tiene más remedio que someterse y gemir.<\/p>
Sky decide demostrar aún más su poder sobre él al desnudarse y sentarse sobre su torso mientras lo azota, para que sepa dónde pertenece, es decir, debajo de su trasero.<\/p>
Aumenta aún más la apuesta azotándole el trasero descarado con un látigo de caña.<\/p>
Sky no puede mantener sus manos alejadas de los pechos rojos brillantes de Peaches, y los acaricia con fuerza.<\/p>
Termina su lección de urbanidad con un duro y pesado palo de madera, de nuevo, sobre su rodilla.<\/p>
Satisfecha de que su lección haya sido aprendida, Sky acaricia con amor el trasero adolorido de Peaches, mientras él vuelve a disculparse. Todo está perdonado.<\/p>"
Disciplina de Paleta y Cepillo de Dientes
3/8/24 9:45 AM•6 min•656 MB•mp4•1080pHaz clic para previsualizar3/8/24 9:45 AM•6 min•656 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€7.99 EURCategoríaSpanking F/mCategorías RelacionadasAmazonas,CFNM,Dominación femenina,Lavado de boca con jabón,Azotes OTKDescripción"Paddle y Cepillo de Baño Disciplina es la segunda parte del video de Lady Jose, <\/span><\/span>“<\/span>Un Hombre Es Castigado Por Coquetear Con Las Camareras<\/span>”.<\/span><\/p>
Lady Jose está enojada por el comportamiento vergonzoso de Peaches en el restaurante, y no está satisfecha con solo una nalgada, por lo que decide continuar la lección.<\/span><\/p>
Ella lo arrastra con el trasero empapado fuera de la ducha. Porque estaba salivando ante la vista de las camareras, ella dice “No he terminado contigo todavía”. <\/span>Le da un buen y sólido enjuague bucal. Él se ahoga y escupe en él, pero ella le ordena que abra la boca y saque la lengua. Él siente que no tiene más remedio que obedecer.<\/span><\/p>
Ella lo arrastra de la oreja hasta el dormitorio, agarra un cepillo de madera y lo lleva sobre su sólido regazo, diciendo “No hemos terminado en absoluto!”<\/span><\/p>
Sin calentamiento previo, comienza con nalgadas duras y rápidas. El sufrimiento de Peaches es inmediato e intenso!<\/span><\/p>
Lady Jose azota el trasero aún húmedo de Peaches con un cepillo de baño hasta que está en puro dolor. Ella comunica su descontento con él de manera inequívoca y lo pinta de color rojo fuego en su pompis burbuja!<\/span><\/p>"
Una fusta de peine para el cabello sobre la rodilla de Lady Mina
1/30/23 1:38 PM•2 min•137 MB•mp4•1080pHaz clic para previsualizar1/30/23 1:38 PM•2 min•137 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€4.99 EURCategoríaSpanking F/mCategorías RelacionadasCFNM,Femdom,Azote con cepillo de pelo,Azotes OTKDescripción"La señora Mina está disgustada por el estado caótico del cuarto de Peaches. Él no ha mostrado ninguna preocupación por las sensibilidades de la señora. <\/span><\/p>
Peaches es desnudado y ordenado a pasar sobre el sólido regazo de la señora, con su aparentemente siempre presente erección apuntando obscenamente a su muslo. Ella lo asegura en un sólido bloqueo de piernas y aplica un peine de madera maciza y anticuado en su burbujeante trasero desnudo con venganza. Él patea, llora y se queja, pero en vano. La señora está decidida y Peaches no va a ninguna parte hasta que ella esté satisfecha.<\/span><\/p>
Después de que la lección haya sido aplicada y aprendida, es hora del cuidado posterior. Ella sostiene al desnudo Peaches cerca, apretado y cálido en su regazo. Ella espera que la lección se quede esta vez.<\/span><\/p>"
- 1/25/23 10:06 AM•15 min•874 MB•mp4•1080pHaz clic para previsualizar1/25/23 10:06 AM•15 min•874 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€11.49 EURCategoríaPeggingCategorías RelacionadasCastidad Masculina,Dominación femenina,Strap-on masculinoPalabras ClavePeaches,Madam Director,FlrDescripción"
Algunas personas creen erróneamente que no puedes tener sexo en una relación liderada por una mujer. Eso simplemente no es cierto. Solo quieres asegurarte de que estás teniendo el tipo correcto de sexo para hacer cumplir la dinámica de poder que deseas tener dentro de tu relación. Incluso puedes tener relaciones sexuales. Hay muchas formas en que las mujeres dominantes pueden disfrutar del sexo.<\/p>
El favorito de Lola es tenerme encerrado en la castidad. Ella no le gusta involucrar mi pene. Esa es su elección. He cometido muchos errores debido a mi\/su pene. Lola sabía desde el comienzo de nuestro matrimonio que necesitaría el control total de él. Es mejor para los dos de esta manera. Ella reconoció, a través de mi ejemplo, que tener un pene puede ser una carga. Después de tomar el control de mi\/su pene, sin embargo, ella extrañó la presencia de él en nuestro amor. Ella decidió, ya que es la pareja más responsable, que sería ella quien llevaría la carga de un pene. Ahora maneja el pene y es capaz de manejarlo, ya que es la líder más fuerte. Ahora tenemos mucho y mucho sexo. Es saludable para nuestra relación y es exactamente el tipo de sexo que ella disfruta. (14:49 largo)<\/p>"
Peaches y Lola - Facesitting con marido atado y alzado - HD completo, 1080
1/23/23 5:04 PM•6 min•386 MB•mp4•1080pHaz clic para previsualizar1/23/23 5:04 PM•6 min•386 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€6.99 EURCategoríaFacesittingCategorías RelacionadasAsfixia con las Nalgas,Castidad Masculina,Dominación femeninaPalabras ClavePeaches,Madam Director,Collar And LeashDescripción"Lola tiene a su esposo, Peaches, con collar, correa y encerrado de manera segura en su jaula de castidad. Ella ama colgar la llave mientras se sienta sobre su cara. Ella es muy segura de sí misma con él debajo de ella. A veces lo asfixia con su trasero y le niega el aire solo para ponerlo a prueba. ¿De verdad confía en ella? Ella lo mira fijamente mientras cubre su nariz con su vagina. Muchos hombres quieren estar casados con mujeres hermosas, sexuales y dominantes, pero, por supuesto, no son fáciles de mantener satisfechas. No hay nada malo, sin embargo, con un hombre que intenta mantenerse al día! (6:33 largo)<\/p>"
- 8/24/22 11:58 PM•29 min•1719 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€25.99 EURCategoríaSpanking F/mCategorías RelacionadasNiñera,Azotes con Caña,Facesitting,Femdom,Azotes OTKDescripción
Strict Babysitter, with Morbid, Peaches and Lola/Madam Director
Lola is headed out for a dinner and sex date. Her girlfriend, Morbid Widow, has graciously agreed to babysit Peaches. In the past, Lola has come home from dates only to find Peaches eating Cheetos and playing video games! She instructs Morbid to oversee Peaches, make sure he does his chores, maintain his chastity device, and keep him out of trouble.
Lola gives Morbid license to spank Peaches in case he misbehaves, advises her on methods and implements, and calls Peaches over. She shows off Peaches in his panties and chastity device, and gives Morbid the key to it for the evening. Lola heads out for a night of fun. Morbid chats with Peaches to lay down the ground rules for the evening, and sets Peaches to work on his chores.
In direct of Lola’s rules and her instructions, Morbid catches Peaches lying in bed, playing video games, and munching away on Cheetos. She scolds him, and finds his attitude to be bratty and obnoxious. Morbid knows just how to handle a situation like this!
“Over my knee. Now. NOW!” says Morbid. Peaches obeys. She applies hard, fast hand spanks, which have Peaches wriggling from the get go. She attacks those beefy cheeks with a vengeance.
She stands him up to strip him naked, and puts him back over her knee to apply furious smacks of the old-fashioned ebony hairbrush, followed by another smack attack with the wooden spoon.
Morbid is straddling Peaches face, and holding his legs up in the “diaper position”. She furiously whips his sorry ass with a belt while smothering his face with her breathtaking ass. She spreads his legs wide, grabs hold of his caged cock, and attacks that sensitive, vulnerable area between Peaches’ cheeks.
She finally pauses the strapping to reverse her position, riding and grinding on poor Peaches’ face.
Repositioning herself on his face again, she pulls out a wicked rubber tawse, and continues the intense whipping. All Peaches can do is cry and whimper.
Morbid has Peaches on the bed, with his vulnerable, beaten butt propped up in the air. She pulls out the delrin carpet beater and whips his ass feerociosly as he whimpers and pleads. Next it’s 12 of the best the rattan cane, applied firmly and precisely. Peaches cries and cries.
Morbid sits and grabs Peaches by the hair, jamming his face deep into her crotch. She has put Peaches in his place, and taken her place above him.
Epilogue; Lola awakens from the dark to hear Peaches moaning, and evidently, cumming. Was it a dream? Or a memory?
Strict Babysitter - Part 1 - Prologue and OTK spanking
8/24/22 11:53 PM•17 min•1050 MB•mp4•1080pHaz clic para previsualizar8/24/22 11:53 PM•17 min•1050 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€12.49 EURCategoríaSpanking F/mCategorías RelacionadasNiñera,Castidad Masculina,Femdom,Azote con cepillo de pelo,Azotes OTKDescripciónStrict Babysitter, Part 1; Prologue and OTK spanking (17:43)
Lola is headed out for a dinner and sex date. Her girlfriend, Morbid Widow, has graciously agreed to babysit Peaches. In the past, Lola has come home from dates only to find Peaches eating Cheetos and playing video games! She instructs Morbid to oversee Peaches, make sure he does his chores, maintain his chastity device, and keep him out of trouble.
Lola gives Morbid license to spank Peaches in case he misbehaves, advises her on methods and implements, and calls Peaches over. She shows off Peaches in his panties and chastity device, and gives Morbid the key to it for the evening. Lola heads out for a night of fun. Morbid chats with Peaches to lay down the ground rules for the evening, and sets Peaches to work on his chores.
In direct of Lola’s rules and her instructions, Morbid catches Peaches lying in bed, playing video games, and munching away on Cheetos. She scolds him, and finds his attitude to be bratty and obnoxious. Morbid knows just how to handle a situation like this!
“Over my knee. Now. NOW!” says Morbid. Peaches obeys. She applies hard, fast hand spanks, which have Peaches wriggling from the get go. She attacks those beefy cheeks with a vengeance.
She stands him up to strip him naked, and puts him back over her knee to apply furious smacks of the old-fashioned ebony hairbrush, followed by another smack attack with the wooden spoon.
Strict Babysitter - Part 2 - Facesitting and strapping
8/24/22 11:50 PM•5 min•332 MB•mp4•1080pHaz clic para previsualizar8/24/22 11:50 PM•5 min•332 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€9.49 EURCategoríaAzotesCategorías RelacionadasNiñera,CBT,BDSM corporal,Facesitting,Azotes F/MDescripciónMorbid is straddling Peaches face, and holding his legs up in the “diaper position”. She furiously whips his sorry ass with a belt while smothering his face with her breathtaking ass. She spreads his legs wide, grabs hold of his caged cock, and attacks that sensitive, vulnerable area between Peaches’ cheeks.
She finally pauses the strapping to reverse her position, riding and grinding on poor Peaches’ face.
Repositioning herself on his face again, she pulls out a wicked rubber tawse, and continues the intense whipping. All Peaches can do is cry and whimper.
Strict Babysitter - Part 3 - Caning and worship
8/24/22 11:49 PM•6 min•355 MB•mp4•1080pHaz clic para previsualizar8/24/22 11:49 PM•6 min•355 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€9.49 EURCategoríaAzotes con CañaCategorías RelacionadasMeneo de Nalgas,BDSM corporal,Femdom,Adoración vaginal,Azotes F/MDescripciónStrict Babysitter, Part 3; Caning and worship
Morbid has Peaches on the bed, with his vulnerable, beaten butt propped up in the air. She pulls out the delrin carpet beater and whips his ass feerociosly as he whimpers and pleads. Next it’s 12 of the best the rattan cane, applied firmly and precisely. Peaches cries and cries.
Morbid sits and grabs Peaches by the hair, jamming his face deep into her crotch. She has put Peaches in his place, and taken her place above him.
Epilogue; Lola awakens from the dark to hear Peaches moaning, and evidently, cumming. Was it a dream? Or a memory?
You Will Be Good When I'm Through With You, complete
2/21/22 12:43 AM•13 min•778 MB•mp4•1080pHaz clic para previsualizar2/21/22 12:43 AM•13 min•778 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€12.49 EURCategoríaSpanking F/mCategorías RelacionadasCFNM,Femdom,Azote con cepillo de pelo,Azotes OTKDescripciónYou Will Be Good When I’m Through With You, complete, with Sky Terrapin and Peaches
Peaches is in the corner, nose to the wall, in his old-fashioned tighty whiteys. The statuesque Miss Sky Terrapin strides into the room, holding a strap, brush, and wooden spoon. She places the implements aside, sits, and beckons Peaches to her side.
Sky scolds the contrite Peaches for his recklessness in having sped on the highway despite her having told him, multiple times, to slow down. His feeble excuse is that his excitement over having her nearby got the best of him. She informs him of the punishment he has coming, with all three of her implements.
She orders him to pull down his underpants, and he delays, so she just pulls them down to his ankles herself. He tries to hide his jutting erection, but she slaps his hands away, and yanks him down over her lap, as his undies take flight.
Sky immediately applies fast, sharp hand spanks to his naughty, bare bottom, lecturing him all the while on his responsibilities when behind the wheel. His whimpering could not begin to deter her from her intention of burning his butt! Annoyed by his wiggling, she pinions one if his legs under one of hers, and hers are much stronger.
Having warmed his buns nicely, Sky reaches for the wooden spoon, and vigorously stings his cheeks to a nice, rosy red.
Releasing him for the moment, Sky announces that it is time for Peaches to be belted, and bends him over a chair. He promises to be good, and she tells him “You will be good, when I’m through with you!”.
Raising the belt high in the air, she rains down 30 nasty strokes as Peaches tries to count them out loud and maintain his position.
Finally, she stands him up and tells him “the brush is coming next”. She once again puts him over her lap, and, again, firmly locks down his legs with her own, knowing he tends to wiggle with the brush.
Solid, rapid fire spanks are applied with a heavy, wooden bath brush. Peaches cries and cries, and promises over and over to be good, but she just keeps on paddling his toasted bottom! She drives her message home until Peaches is reduced to a crying, miserable, contrite naughty boy with a bright, red bottom. He tells her over and over, “I’m sorry now!”.
She releases him. His hands immediately try to rub some of the pain out of his burning bottom. She takes him onto her lap for some hugs and tender aftercare. The matter has been resolved, and Sky Terrapin has made Peaches a good boy again.
You Will Be Good When I'm Through With You, part 2
2/20/22 11:25 PM•7 min•430 MB•mp4•1080pHaz clic para previsualizar2/20/22 11:25 PM•7 min•430 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€7.99 EURCategoríaSpanking F/mCategorías RelacionadasFemdom,Azote con cepillo de pelo,Piernas,Azotes OTKDescripciónYou Will Be Good When I’m Through With You, complete, with Sky Terrapin and Peaches
Releasing Peaches for the moment, Miss Sky announces that it is time for him to be belted, and bends him over a chair. He promises to be good, and she tells him “You will be good, when I’m through with you!”.
Raising the belt high in the air, she rains down 30 nasty strokes as Peaches tries to count them out loud and maintain his position.
Finally, she stands him up and tells him “the brush is coming next”. She once again puts him over her lap, and, again, firmly locks down his legs with her own, knowing he tends to wiggle with the brush.
Solid, rapid fire spanks are applied with a heavy, wooden bath brush. Peaches cries and cries, and promises over and over to be good, but she just keeps on paddling his toasted bottom! She drives her message home until Peaches is reduced to a crying, miserable, contrite naughty boy with a bright, red bottom. He tells her over and over, “I’m sorry now!”.
She releases him. His hands immediately try to rub some of the pain out of his burning bottom. She takes him onto her lap for some hugs and tender aftercare. The matter has been resolved, and Sky Terrapin has made Peaches a good boy again.
You Will Be Good When I'm Through With You part 1
2/20/22 10:42 PM•6 min•360 MB•mp4•1080pHaz clic para previsualizar2/20/22 10:42 PM•6 min•360 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€6.99 EURCategoríaSpanking F/mCategorías RelacionadasFemdom,Azote con cepillo de pelo,Azotes OTK,AzotesDescripciónYou Will Be Good When I’m Through With You, complete, with Sky Terrapin and Peaches
Peaches is in the corner, nose to the wall, in his old-fashioned tighty whiteys. The statuesque Miss Sky Terrapin strides into the room, holding a strap, brush, and wooden spoon. She places the implements aside, sits, and beckons Peaches to her side.
Sky scolds the contrite Peaches for his recklessness in having sped on the highway despite her having told him, multiple times, to slow down. His feeble excuse is that his excitement over having her nearby got the best of him. She informs him of the punishment he has coming, with all three of her implements.
She orders him to pull down his underpants, and he delays, so she just pulls them down to his ankles herself. He tries to hide his jutting erection, but she slaps his hands away, and yanks him down over her lap, as his undies take flight.
Sky immediately applies fast, sharp hand spanks to his naughty, bare bottom, lecturing him all the while on his responsibilities when behind the wheel. His whimpering could not begin to deter her from her intention of burning his butt! Annoyed by his wiggling, she pinions one if his legs under one of hers, and hers are much stronger.
Having warmed his buns nicely, Sky reaches for the wooden spoon, and vigorously stings his cheeks to a nice, rosy red.
Spanking In The Kitchen With Lola And Peaches, part 1
2/4/22 4:25 AM•11 min•666 MB•mp4•1080pHaz clic para previsualizar2/4/22 4:25 AM•11 min•666 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€9.49 EURCategoríaSpanking F/mCategorías RelacionadasAnal,CBT,Castidad Masculina,Femdom,Azotes OTKDescripciónPart 1
Lola returns home from a hard day’s work, to find the sink a complete mess. She grabs a wooden spoon, and summons her husband, Peaches. Upon questioning, he pathetically confesses to having forgotten to do the dishes because he got “caught up” in a video game, while his beloved Lola was hard at work. Lola determines this behavior is “a cry for help” revealing his subconscious need for discipline, and in her household, that means a humiliating and severe bare bottom, cheeks, anus, and cock spanking for Peaches.
She orders him to lower his shorts, revealing his/her cock, encaged in a steel chastity device. She removes the key from around her neck, unlocks, and removes it so as to prevent the cage from snagging her skirt, as he will invariably be flopping and bucking over her lap. She discovers Peaches cock to be, typically, erect when a good hard spanking is in the offing. She applies some spanks to his pesky erection, but that just seems to make it even harder.
Over her lap he goes, as her lovely, muscular, toned thighs tightly trap the naughty member. The spanking begins with increasingly firm, fast and steady hand spanks. She leg locks the big bad boy into position, which in turn, pokes the little bad boy up against the crotch of her panties.
Coming soon; Discipline in the Bedroom With Lola And Peaches
No Discussing Politics At The Holiday Table, with Lola and Peaches, complete
2/4/22 2:38 AM•12 min•738 MB•mp4•1080pHaz clic para previsualizar2/4/22 2:38 AM•12 min•738 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€13.49 EURCategoríaSpanking F/mCategorías RelacionadasCFNM,Castidad Masculina,Bofetadas en la cara,Dominación femenina,Azote con cepillo de peloDescripciónNo Discussing Politics at the Holiday Table, with Lola and Peaches, complete
SMACK!!! Lola starts this video off with a bang as she slaps Peaches’ face to seize his undivided attention. He has been antagonizing her step-mother with his opposing political opinions...at the holiday dinner table, no less. She has had ENOUGH of it, and is going to put am immediate stop to it with her own very special and effective method; a very serious bare bottomed spanking over her knee. She orders him to the corner, and then over her knee. She captures his chastity caged cock between her firm thighs, and has at him!
No nice hand spanking warm up this time. This is a punishment, so she begins cold with the wooden spoon. It doesn’t take long for Peaches to start telling her how sorry he is, but she is unmoved by his lame protestations. “Yeah. A lot fo good ’sorry’ does you now” she chides, as his bubble butt begins reddening. She switches to the big, wide wooden hairbrush. Her wicked spanks soon reduce him to tears and cries of “Oh Step-mommy!”.
She stands him up in order to gaze upon her handiwork, and revels both in his suffering and in the redness of his bottom.
She orders him back over her knee, and grabs the dreaded belt. This is followed up by the nasty bath brush, which she swings with abandon, peppering his swelling bottom with powerful, rapid fire smacks. She finishes this awful (for him) lesson with a huge wooden paddle with reduces him to a simpering, whimpering boy again.
The lesson taught and absorbed, it is time for Peaches to express his gratitude to his beloved Lola. She has him kneel before her, and guides his mouth to her damp pussy. As Peaches obeys and serves enthusiastically, Lola is soon grasping at her naked breasts, and moaning as his tongue explores and pleasures the depths of her glorious and wet power center. Lola cums quickly, covering his face in her juices.
As she recovers from the scene, she orders him to kiss her shoes as his savaged, red ass pokes up into the air. Did he learn the lesson? She has her doubts, but we shall see.
No Discussing Politics at the Holiday Table, part 1
2/4/22 2:19 AM•5 min•341 MB•mp4•1080pHaz clic para previsualizar2/4/22 2:19 AM•5 min•341 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€5.99 EURCategoríaSpanking F/mCategorías RelacionadasBofetadas en la cara,Dominación femenina,Azotes OTK,Mujeres fuertesDescripciónNo Discussing Politics at the Holiday Table, part 1
SMACK!!! Lola starts this video off with a bang as she slaps Peaches’ face to seize his undivided attention. He has been antagonizing her step-mother with his opposing political opinions...at the holiday dinner table, no less. She has had ENOUGH of it, and is going to put am immediate stop to it with her own very special and effective method; a very serious bare bottomed spanking over her knee. She orders him to the corner, and then over her knee. She captures his chastity caged cock between her firm thighs, and has at him!
No nice hand spanking warm up this time. This is a punishment, so she begins cold with the wooden spoon. It doesn’t take long for Peaches to start telling her how sorry he is, but she is unmoved by his lame protestations. “Yeah. A lot fo good ’sorry’ does you now” she chides, as his bubble butt begins reddening. She switches to the big, wide wooden hairbrush. Her wicked spanks soon reduce him to tears and cries of “Oh Step-mommy!”.
She stands him up in order to gaze upon her handiwork, and revels both in his suffering and in the redness of his bottom.
A Good Old Fashioned Talking To, part 3
2/4/22 2:13 AM•14 min•1742 MB•mp4•1080pHaz clic para previsualizar2/4/22 2:13 AM•14 min•1742 MB•mp4•1080pPrecio€10.49 EURCategoríaAzotes con CañaCategorías RelacionadasCFNM,Femdom,Matriarcado,Regaño,AzotesPalabras ClaveMiss Chris,PeachesDescripciónA GOOD OLD-FASHIONED TALKING TO, part 3, a Simply Discipline production
with Miss Chris and Peaches
This is the first video that I produced and shot on my own, without the guidance of the brilliant Lola/Madame Director. It is based on a very real situation.
Without going into too much detail, I was spoken to disrespectfully at work by a new, young supervisor. In response, I lost control and raised my voice at her in front of co-workers. She and I registered complaints about each other, and the company sided with her. When Covid struck, all employees were furloughed. When they began rehiring people, they didn’t want me back though I’d been with the company for 9 years. I believe it was because of the incident.
I was extremely upset, and felt the need for real and serious discipline. I contacted an expert and widely renowned disciplinarian, my old friend, Miss Chris.
She puts me on the bed on all fours, for a good dose of a variety of heavy straps. She swings away with abandon! She soon has me whimpering and crying out loud.
This discipline session climaxes with a severe and prolonged caning, including the notorious “ American Horror Story Cane” from the Canes4pain company.
Finally, with the lesson given and received, all is forgiven. Miss Chris has proven herself to be an angel of pain.
Clip Contains: Miss Chris, Peaches, Spanking F/m, Female Domination, Spanking, Caning, Punishment, Strapping, Discipline, Humiliation, Aftercare