Keri the Genie in Risky Wish SFX
Michael is talking with Keri, who is ready to grant him his wish of going to a giantess haven.
She closes her eyes and snaps her fingers. When she opens them, she thinks she has successfully granted Michaels wish. However, Michael has been shrunk to a tiny size, he stands tiny at Keri’s feet. She is unaware of his presence as he screams for help.
(POV and SFX) Keri then senses that her wish may have in fact failed, she paces around the room trying to think where Michael may be, in doing so she is unknowingly nearly stepping on him in her heels as he follows her (POV and SFX of Keri stepping near and over Michael)
Keri can then ‘smell fear’ in the room and her powers as a genie sense that something is not right
She can sense Michael’s presence and thinks he is playing hide and seek, or she has accidentally turned him invisible (SFX shot of Michael standing at Keri’s foot)
She continues to pace around the room, only this time trying to locate Michael.
By chance she happens to look down and spots tiny Michael at her feet.
(POV) she gently picks him up and apologies for shrinking him. seeing he is scared, she decides to look after him and says that being around a giantess genie will ironically fulfill his fantasy anyway.
(POV) As she prepares to leave with Michael in her hand, she accidentally drops him and steps on him as she moves her foot forward. (POV and SFX) She spots his tiny body on the floor and gasps in horror at what she is done, as she knows her superiors will make her suffer for eternity for hurting a human…
The end
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