FFB Catfights
- 9/7/23 3:26 AM•8 min•593 MB•mp4•1080pPreço€8.99 EURCategoriaBrincadeira com mamilosCategorias RelacionadasMordidas,Luta feminina,Mão sobre a boca,Fetiche de mamas,ToplessDescrição"
Jezabel está de volta com mais sequências mordazes, desta vez com a garota de legado Erika! Presa e com seus seios e mamilos cruelmente expostos aos dentes afiados de Jezabel, Erika deve sofrer a impossível tortura horrenda de \"Dor ou Prazer\" que Jezabel é tão habil.
Feticismo de mamilo, mordida em mamilo, espancamento de seios!
Limpo e upscaled por IA para 1280x960MP4<\/p>" Dani vs Ryleigh Sentar-se na Cara -960MP4
5/11/23 3:39 AM•11 min•368 MB•mp4•1080pClique para visualização5/11/23 3:39 AM•11 min•368 MB•mp4•1080pPreço€11.49 EURCategoriaSentada na cara BBWCategorias RelacionadasFacesitting,Luta feminina,Luta femininaDescrição"Ryleigh acha que está no lugar do motorista quando ela tem Dani presa na cama e vai atrás dos seios deliciosos de Dani, torturando sua maior adversária com mamade e assentar-se na cara. Mas tudo é uma ilusão, já que Dani facilmente dá a volta e coloca a pobre Ryleigh por um sofrimento vingativo após outro, e nos mostra a todos por que Dani é considerada uma especialista em assentar-se na cara que adora seu trabalho..<\/p>
Limpo e ampliado para 1280x960MP4 para uma experiência de visualização moderna melhorada.<\/p>"
- 1/20/23 3:55 AM•11 min•771 MB•mp4•1080pPreço€11.49 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias RelacionadasFacesitting,Luta de fantasia,Dominação femininaDescrição"
Superada em tamanho por sua adversária muito maior, Betty, Milena não recua e passa para o ataque, tentando derrubar a grande garota, mas Betty tem ideias melhores. Infelizmente para Betty, Milena é mais habilidosa nisso e consegue derrubar Betty e imobilizá-la com um face sit adequado.
Versão MP4 1280x960, limpa e ampliada<\/p>" - 1/12/23 6:50 AM•5 min•375 MB•mp4•1080pPreço€5.99 EURCategoriaBondageCategorias RelacionadasSurra,Luta feminina,Luta feminina,Humilhação,Bondage predicativoDescrição"
Parte 4 da batalha entre Fúria vs Dominic; Quando paramos no final da parte 3 anterior da batalha, Dominic estava presa no chão enquanto Fúria atacava o ventre e os seios de Dominic. Embora Dom não tivesse mais nada para lutar de volta, isso não impediu Fúria de querer continuar punindo sua vítima... e assim a batalha continua...<\/p>
Dominic encontra-se amarrada à porta, seus braços amarrados acima de sua cabeça, seus seios cruelmente expostos e vulneráveis aos longos unhas de Fúria e intenções malignas. Chorando e com medo do que está por vir, ela tenta falar para se livrar dessa situação, mas Fúria não vai ter nenhum de tudo isso... Mas é quando Dominic pensou que Fúria ouviria razões e a deixaria voltar para casa, seus mamilos são atacados por Fúria com suas longas unhas afiadas, enviando a pobre Dom em um ataque de gritos novamente, enquanto Fúria tem sua maneira com esses mamilos rochosos, perfeitos e prontos para a dor que se aproxima. Com seus braços presos acima de sua cabeça, o ventre de Dom é cruelmente exposto a mais socos no ventre, enquanto Fúria deixa cair bombas enormes no umbigo de Dom. Como se os socos no ventre e o tormento nos seios não fossem suficientes, Fúria dá um mordida no mamilo de Dom, enviando-a a gritar novamente em dor. Falando mal de sua vítima, Fúria puniu sua vítima com socos repetidos no ventre e tormento nos seios, deixando a pobre Dom chorando e chorando de dor. Mas o pior está por vir para a pobre Dominic, enquanto Fúria espalha gentilmente os pés de Dom, e esfaqueia sua vítima chorosa na vagina com um joelho bem colocado e cruelmente, deixando Dom pendurada nos cabos que a sustentam contra a porta... meio delirante pelo dor, Dom pende dos cabos enquanto Fúria avalia sua vítima novamente e a prepara para mais um joelho cruel na vagina, deixando a pobre Dominic pendurada nos cabos como roupa de lavanderia de ontem, nem mesmo respondendo a um último golpe maligno no estômago, enquanto Fúria termina seu ataque em Dom.<\/p>
Um grande vídeo para fãs de mamade de seios, ataques na virilha, tormento nos mamilos e para aqueles com um olho para a pobre e indefesa damisela chorando e gritando enquanto é nocauteada cruelmente por uma ruiva malvada...<\/p>
Edição 1280x960MP4<\/p>"
Kinky Orabella vs Monika Maple 960MP4
12/5/22 5:46 PM•13 min•571 MB•mp4•1080pClique para visualização12/5/22 5:46 PM•13 min•571 MB•mp4•1080pPreço€13.49 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias RelacionadasDominação feminina,Luta feminina,Brincadeira com mamilos,Chupar mamas/Fetiche de mamilosDescrição"A Kinky Orabella está de bom humor e quer fazer de Monika sua bichinha do dia, mas Monika não quer jogar. Não que ela tenha escolha, já que Orabella ataca sua oponente mais alta.
Mamadas de seios, rasgar de roupas, imobilizações, chicotadas, puxar cabelo, holds de submissão, além de outros aspectos de humilhação neste catfight lésbico.<\/p>Limpo e ampliado para 1280x960MP4<\/p>"
- 11/2/22 1:59 AM•7 min•312 MB•wmv•720pPreço€7.99 EURCategoriaSurraCategorias RelacionadasSoco na Barriga,Dominação feminina,Luta feminina,Luta feminina,Apertar seiosDescrição"
A Ruiva em Dreads, Pixie brutaliza sua adversária loira, Milena. Ela primeiro prende Milena em um terrível Figure 4 Leg lock e não o libera até que esteja satisfeita em ter torturado Milena o suficiente e, em seguida, quebra a coluna de Milena em uma série de quebra-costas sobre a joelho e o ombro. Mesmo sendo tão pequena, 5'0" Pixie é tão dura quanto eles vêm e ela dá um soco, para grande humilhação de Milena<\/p>
Versão WMV 1280x720 (4:3, há pilares)<\/p>"
- 8/20/22 7:11 AM•5 min•109 MB•mp4•480pPreço€5.99 EURCategoriaBondageCategorias RelacionadasSurra,Luta feminina,Luta feminina,Humilhação,Bondage predicativoDescrição
Part 4 battle between Fury vs Dominic; When we left off at the end of the previous part 3 of the battle, Dominic was pinned to the floor as Fury attacked Dominic's belly and breasts. Though Dom had nothing left in her to fight back, this didn't stop Fury from wanting to continue punish her victim... and so the battle continues...
Dominic finds herself tied to the door, her arms bound above her head, her breasts cruelly exposed and vulnerable to Fury's long nails and evil intents. Sobbing and afraid of what is to come, she tries to talk her way out of this predicament but Fury is not going to have any of it... But just when Dominic thought that Fury would listen to reason and let her go home, her nipples are attacked by Fury with her long sharp nails, sending poor Dom into a screaming fit once again as Fury has her way with those rock hard perky nipples, just ripe for the coming pain. With her arms pins strapped above her head, Dom's belly is cruelly exposed to more belly punches as Fury drops huge bombs into Dom's belly button. As if the belly punches and nipple torment wasn't enough, Fury takes a bite out of Dom's nipple sending her screaming once again in pain. Trash talking down to her victim, Fury punishes her victim with repeated belly punches and breast torment, leaving poor Dom sobbing and crying in pain. But the worse is yet to come for poor Dominic as Fury gently spreads Dom's feet apart, and nails her sobbing victim in the pussy with a viciously well placed knee that leaves Dom dangling from the ropes that hold her up against the door... half delirious from the pain, Dom hangs from the ropes as Fury sizes up her victim once again and sets Dom up for yet another vicious knee to the pussy that leaves poor Dominic hanging from the ropes like yesterday's laundry, not even responding to one last evil punch to the guts as Fury is done with her attack on Dom.
A great video for breast mauling, crotch attacks, nipple torment fans and for those with an eye for the poor helpless damsel sobbing and crying as she's beaten senseless by a cruel red head...
- 8/15/22 1:08 AM•11 min•211 MB•mp4•480pPreço€9.49 EURCategoriaBondageCategorias RelacionadasMordidas,Dominação,Luta feminina,Mão sobre a boca,HumilhaçãoDescrição
Available for the FIRST time on Clips4sale, a bondage lezdom match featuring Betty tormenting Milena, from the FemfightBound members archive.
Once again Betty picks on someone smaller than she is (and why not?). Poor Milena is caught in Betty's grasp and suffers tickling and breast biting as Betty has her fun. Mid-way through her torment, Milena is almost put out with an HOM but is soon jostled for more fun and games and is bound for spankings and slapping, and more gratuitous breast mauling before being humiliated even further. Ryleigh vs Renata Bondage 1280x960 MP4
8/10/22 5:06 AM•9 min•621 MB•mp4•1080pClique para visualização8/10/22 5:06 AM•9 min•621 MB•mp4•1080pPreço€9.49 EURCategoriaBondageCategorias RelacionadasDominação feminina,Luta feminina,Luta feminina,Brincadeira com mamilosDescriçãoRyleigh has the hots for her hot russian friend Renata and convinced her to wear a gentle restraining jacket but soon into their play time, Renata wants out but it's too late. Ryleigh has her victim right where she wants her, breast out, helpless and all hers to play with.
Cleaned and upscaled to 1280x960 MP4- 7/18/22 1:38 AM•9 min•272 MB•mp4•480pPreço€9.49 EURCategoriaSurraCategorias RelacionadasFacesitting,Luta feminina,Humilhação,Tortura de mamas,ToplessDescrição
The final portion of the fight between Sue and Dominique, available for the FIRST time on Clips4sale!
The fully nude Dominique is on top and in control of the topless Sue, who is looking desperate and closer to defeat. Dominique torments Sue by mauling her bare breasts, pinning her arms, pinching and yanking her nipples, clawing her belly, among more punishment. Dominique finishes Sue off with a naked face sit until Sue finally submits, laying there completely defeated.
When Sue regains her bearings... she doesn't even know where she is! FFB007 - Come One, Come All! Monika Maple vs Kinky Orabella 720
7/4/22 9:24 PM•37 min•2134 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização7/4/22 9:24 PM•37 min•2134 MB•mp4•720pPreço€18.99 EURCategoriaLuta sexualCategorias RelacionadasDominação,Facesitting,Dominação feminina,Luta feminina,Luta femininaDescriçãoFFB007 - Come One, Come All - Monika Maple vs Kinky Orabella 38 Minutes of sex fighting with one hell of a climatic finish!
Now available in mobile friendly MP4 at 1280x720HD (4:3 with pillarbars)
Hot and sexy Monika Maple and Kinky Orabella confess to each other how turned on they get when catfighting, how close to orgasm they are when fighting and how much effort it takes to hold back the urges to let loose! Then Monika strike a wage with Orabella to see who can who come to most, best 2 out of 3 for a cash prize. Well, Orabella is no chicken and she's not going to pass up easy money.. but how easy is it going to be?! Someone is bound for a climactic ending! Already sporting fresh wounds from previous battles, Monika and Orabella entwine themselves to each other, pressing against each other, grinding away, trying to pin the other down to allow her to get access to her pussy to try and make her come first before the tables are turned.
But the dangers here is that once you're caught in the other girl's attempts to make you come, you almost feel the want to succumb voluntarily to the hot sexy passion but wait, there's big bucks at stake here and you have to throw her off so you can go on the offensive. So back and forth we see these two over sexed gorgeous ladies try and make the other to abandon all resistance and submit to the joyful pleasures of that all powerful and releasing orgasm.. without yourself getting caught in the same trap. The cash prize, you must always keep your mind on the cash prize.. but those breasts, in your face, her pussy in your hand, her hand on your pussy.. the temptation to let her have her way with you is overwhelming.. but no.. the prize, the prize! Deep down inside, each woman wants to let herself be taken but not at the expense of the big prize. And eventually, one of them is pinned and loses the battle not to come and thereby loosing one round. She had better step up her game.. In a weakened state as she's in, the first victim is even now more highly susceptible to any fondling or caresses and kisses by her opponent.. so she must diligently avoid being taken again and press the issue onto her opponent. And yes, finally, the other sex crazed hell cat is made to abandon her resolve as she comes for her opponent. The score is now tie.. the next woman to come loses the match and her opponent declared the victor and much richer.
Both women are highly sexually aroused and ready to come once again, and they each know it. the slightest provocation and wham, off she goes. The game is now stepped up with both women more aggressive, physically and sexually, wanting to make the other to come and win the prize.. Though each woman has already lost a round, it's the next round that counts.. frantically trying guile her opponent to coming first, the pressure builds, the temperature rises and finally, after such a long hard fought battle it comes to a completely unexpected climatic ending leaving the loser spent, exhausted and totally satisfied..
FFB007 is going to leave you breathless. Monika and Orabella went all out on this video to prove who can make who come first the most. I can safely say the viewers are by all means the ultimate winners in this video as these two sexy women lay it all out on the line..- 6/18/22 12:38 PM•10 min•196 MB•mp4•480pPreço€10.49 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias RelacionadasLuta de fantasia,Dominação feminina,Luta femininaDescrição
Jezabel works over Milena, like a cat playing with a mouse, allowing her petite opponent to think that she might have a chance.. but the tables are turned when a reinvigorated Milena attacks Jezabel with a vengeance and makes the gorgeous brunette pay for her sadistic ways..
- 5/31/22 5:06 AM•11 min•217 MB•mp4•480pPreço€11.49 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias RelacionadasFacesitting,Luta de fantasia,Dominação feminina,Luta femininaDescrição
Outsized by her much larger adversary Betty, Milena doesn't back down and goes on the attack to try and take the big girl down but Betty has better ideas. Unfortunately for Betty, Milena is better skilled at this and manages to get Betty down and pinned with a proper grinding face sit.
Mobile friendly MP4 version - 5/30/22 3:19 AM•10 min•198 MB•mp4•480pPreço€10.49 EURCategoriaChave de tesouraCategorias RelacionadasLuta de fantasia,Dominação feminina,Luta feminina,Luta femininaDescrição
Betty keeps it simple this time when she gets poor helpless Milena caught between her big strong and powerful thighs. Trapped and unable to break out of Betty's hold, Milena literally has the fight squeezed right out of her, a little bit at a time until the end...
Video starts with Milena trapped between BBW Betty powerful thick thighs, gasping for breath as she's being squeezed across the abdomen. Cranking on the pressure, Betty ensures that petite Melina is going to suffer even more. Grabbing her victim's breasts, Betty punishes her victim even more. Struggling to escape, poor Melina tries her own breast mauling but is quickly overpowered by her much larger antagonist. As Betty bitch slaps her smaller victim, Melina fights back as best as she can with breast mauling and hair pulling but nothing that she can do will break those powerful thighs from crushing her petite frame as she moans and groans through this punishment. Betty enjoys herself as she mauls Melina's breast while all the time crushing her rib cage and abs. Like a cat with a trapped mouse, Betty plays with her victim in a most sadistic manner, slapping and mauling Melina's breasts. Again, try as she may, the feisty little Melina goes after Betty's ample breasts in attempts to escape but is eventually thwarted by the crushing strength of Betty's powerful thighs. Tightening her grip Betty squeezes the air out of her victim, leaving Melina gasping for air like a fish out of water. As Melina grabs at Betty's thighs in attempts to escape, Betty pulls her victim in tighter to her crotch and crushes her victim once again in her vice-like thighs, causing poor Melina to once again gasp in breathless pain as her innards are being mercilessly crushed by Betty. Every time Melina tries to break free by pinching, pushing or slapping, she is met with more crushing retaliation from Betty. But the end is near for poor Melina as sheer exhaustion leaves her completely drained and useless. Betty leaves her victim spread eagle for her caresses as this uneven match concludes. A great video for scissor fans as Betty crushes her victim so badly you would think that Melina's belly button was going to touch her spine!
Featuring: Crushing scissoring squash match, body scissors, topless female fighting - 4/28/22 3:29 PM•7 min•302 MB•mp4•720pPreço€7.99 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias RelacionadasSurra,Soco na Barriga,Dominação feminina,Luta feminina,Apertar seiosDescrição
The Red Head in Dreads, Pixie brutalizes her blonde opponent, Milena. She first catches Milena in a vicious Figure 4 Leg lock and doesn't let it go until she's satisfied that she tormented Milena sufficiently and then cracks Milena's back in a series of back breakers across the knee and shoulder. Petite as she is, 5'0" Pixie is as tough as they come and she packs a wallop, much to Milena's utter humiliation
1280x720 MP4 version (4:3, there are pillarbars)
- 4/18/22 10:38 PM•11 min•206 MB•mp4•480pPreço€11.49 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias RelacionadasSurra,Soco na Barriga,Tapa no rosto,Dominação femininaDescrição
Jezabel is in deep trouble now. Bound and trapped under Kelli, who appeared in earlier NWWL videos. The little brunette had bragged she wasn't afraid of the veteran fighter girl and she was quickly scooped up, bound and set up one with vicious face slaps, breast mauling and punches to the belly, leaving the crying Jezabel battered on top of the bed.
See more related female fighting on our step-sister store - Ladyfist Catfights - 4/4/22 11:36 AM•10 min•196 MB•mp4•480pPreço€8.99 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias RelacionadasSoco na Barriga,Tapa no rosto,Dominação feminina,Luta femininaDescrição
Though smaller than Dominique, don't let the redhead Fury's size fool you as she puts the hurt on Dominique. It wouldn't have been so bad except Fury has some nasty tactics of her own she loves to use.
The girls end up topless and Fury loves to torment Dominique's nipples and breasts. - 3/30/22 1:39 PM•11 min•212 MB•mp4•480pPreço€11.49 EURCategoriaFacesittingCategorias RelacionadasBBW,Sentada na cara BBW,Luta feminina,Luta femininaDescrição
Ryleigh thinks she's in the driver's seat when she has Dani pinned to the bed and goes after Dani's succulent breasts, tormenting her larger opponent with breast mauling and face sitting. But it's all an illusion as Dani easily turns the tables and puts poor Ryleigh through one vicious ordeal after another and shows us all why Dani is considered a face sitting expert who loves her work..
Now in mobile friendly MP4 - 3/26/22 12:09 PM•9 min•177 MB•mp4•480pPreço€9.49 EURCategoriaBondageCategorias RelacionadasDominação feminina,Luta feminina,Luta feminina,Brincadeira com mamilosDescrição
Ryleigh has the hots for her hot russian friend Renata and convinced her to wear a gentle restraining jacket but soon into their play time, Renata wants out but it's too late. Ryleigh has her victim right where she wants her, breast out, helpless and all hers to play with.
- 3/10/22 7:37 PM•13 min•389 MB•mp4•480pPreço€13.49 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias RelacionadasDominação feminina,Luta feminina,Brincadeira com mamilos,Chupar mamas/Fetiche de mamilosDescrição
Kinky Orabella is in a playful mood and she wants to make Monika her bitch for the day but Monika doesn't want to play. Not that she has any choice has Orabella attacks her taller opponent.
Breast Mauling, clothes ripping, pins, spanking, hair pulling, submission holds, as well as other humiliation aspects to this lezdom catfight.