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Amis Kinky Kastle
Amis Kinky Kastle
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Transformed into Ivy's Panties

6/14/19 4:44 PM9 min643 MBmp41080p
Price9.49 EUR


I'm Ivy Davenport's roommate, and we've divided up the household chores. Ivy hates doing laundry, so I agreed to take care of it, but I just can't seem to get it right. I'm always washing her clothes in hot water and shrinking them every time. Now Ivy has no panties to wear, and she's really mad. She confronts me on the issue, and I agree to do better, but she's not convinced. She decides to teach me a lesson I won't forget. You see, Ivy actually has magical powers! And she plans to use them to get her revenge... By turning ME into her new pair of panties! With one snap of her fingers I'm instantly transformed into a pair of cute panties. She stretches me to my limit and I cry out in pain. I beg her to change me back, but she only laughs and stretches me even further. I promise to take her shopping for new panties if she changes me back, but Ivy loves having me as her new panties. She slides me up her legs and onto her butt, making sure I slide deep into her ass crack. I'm all squished between her cheeks. I beg to be changed back, but it's no use. Ivy just laughs again and this time lets out a long fart. I gag on the smell, crying to be changed back. Ivy puts on her denim shorts over me, and tells me to be quiet while we're out. I realize that there is no use fighting -I'm doomed to be Ivy's underwear forever!

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