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Amis Kinky Kastle
Amis Kinky Kastle
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Cow Transformation

5/7/20 1:58 PM21 min537 MBmp41080p
Price19.99 EUR


(Custom clip)

I just love string cheese! I just can't help but gobble it down. I devour piece after piece, but all of I sudden I feel I need to belch, but instead I let out a long, loud "MOOOOO!" How weird is that? I decide to ignore it and keep eating my cheese, but a few minutes later I "moo" again. I fall to the floor on my hands and knees and start "mooing" uncontrollably. My head starts to itch, I reach up to scratch it, but realize two ears and a pair of horns has sprouted from my head! What is going on?! My belly begins to rumble, and I watch as it slowly expands. I'm gaining belly fat, just like a cow! I go back to eating my cheese, but find myself unable to sit upright. Before I know it, my hands have turned into hooves! Am I turning into a cow? My skin is really itchy all of a sudden, and little black spots form all over. Why is this happening? Soon, however, I begin to realize that this is what I've always wanted. I've dreamed of being turned into a cow. I want this more than anything. I can no longer speak like a human anymore. All that comes out of my mouth are loud "mooing" noises. Then something snaps inside of me. My human mind slips away, and I have fully become a cow. I don't even remember being human anymore. All I can think of is being a happy little cow. I wander around the room aimlessly until I find my string cheese and graze on it, content to live out the rest of my days just like this.

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