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The student vampire ( VORE )

4/4/22 6:11 PM16 min592 MBmp41080p
Price14.99 EUR


Manguito enters Professor Pamela's study begging her to review her judgment on her exam. The girl would like her grade to be raised because she thinks she deserves more, but the teacher doesn't want to hear justifications and categorically denies any possibility of re-evaluation! Manguito insults her and Pamela chases her away despite the threats she makes before disappearing.
That same evening Pamela is at her house, in her room ready for bed. As soon as she lies down on the mattress and turns on her side, she hears a noise and a monster appears from behind, a vampire in the likeness of a young student. The vampire threatens her, tells her she should have thought about it first and changed her vote, but it's too late! She sinks her teeth into the teacher's neck as she screams and despairs. The vampire is hungry and Pamela looks like an excellent prey, her neck is juicy and Manguito can't wait to taste it! It will be a night of terror for Pamela who will not be able to do anything to rebel against the monster. At the end, Manguito goes to the teacher's desk and changes his grade, assigning herself what she deserves!


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