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The Christmas Vampire ( BITING )

12/10/23 9:49 AM24 min755 MBwmv1080p
Price16.99 EUR


Mayla is wearing her Christmas dress and is looking for a gift for Margherita, while she is for the perfect surprize she shows her teeth and licks her lips, when all of a sudden she hears some noises. Mayla hides and sees Persefone come in: she will be the perfect gift! Mayla sneaks up on Persefone and tries to bite her in the neck. But the girl is able to defend herself. A catfight suddenly starts, the two girl fight each other using leg scissors and Mayla will try to bite Persefone ’s throat several times, but finally she will be able to put the girl in a gift sack!  Mayla sits down happily and waits for her girlfriend. When Margherita comes in, Mayla jumps up and embraces her girlfriend happy to see her and ready to show her the special gift!  Margherita notices the gift sack. She fidgets. Margherita is happy and opens the sack in a frenzy. Persefone comes out and Margherita is so happy to see the surprize! Immediately she wants to play with Persefone licking her feet, arms, legs and of course her neck. Catfight, Showing teeth again and again. Mayla holds p. Margherita has fun. The lights go on and off. Persefone is fixed  Mayla and Margherita play with her one last time while the girl keeps on trying to free herself. Then Mayla and Margherita sink their teeth into her throat. The lights go on and off.  Mayla and Margherita are finally satisfied and happy, from now on there will be a third vampire in town! They are looking forward to Christmas.


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