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The dark punishment for the noisy neighbor

8/28/24 3:59 PM21 min791 MBmp41080p
Price17.49 EUR


Ariane is listening to music and dancing all over the place .. shes doesn’t know her neighbor Valerie is a vampire and she’s disturbing her rest. Valerie wakes up angry! She’s goes over to confront Ariane, Ariane answers the door rudely… Valerie ask her if she could turn the music down, Ariane doesn’t care that much.. and she even makes fun of her height saying go home little woman!! This made Valerie furious, Ariane turns around and from behind the vampire jumps on her back and exposes her neck, she bites Ariane, Ariane screams in pain, Valerie gets off her back and makes Ariane sit down.. from behind Valerie exposes her long neck admiring it and sucking from it. Ariane yells at Valerie  and the vampire puts her hand over her mouth and exposes her neck biting it again, then she takes her time sucking the long neck of Ariane, right after she notices Ariane’s feet and legs, the vampire bites the toes and leg. Ariane moans  loudly and this screams annoy the vampire once again, therefore she goes back to Ariane neck and  bites it again.. Ariane then grows weaker, and quiet, Val then keeps biting and sucking from Ariane till she lets her go: Ariane is left shaking and shocked 


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