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Bella Darlings Fantasy Land
Bella Darlings Fantasy Land
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Pleasure spa: date with the adjustable robot bimbo (with inflation sounds and text effects)

10/27/17 2:25 AM11 min182 MBmp4720p
Price12.49 EUR


You booked a visit to a secretive and expensive spa that has very realistic robotic hostesses. They are called Pleasure Agents and will do anything for your pleasure. You didn't realize however, there are even more options than you imagined. Bella, your natural looking Pleasure Agent, informs you that their bodies are adjustable to your liking! All you have to do is pick the trait you wish to change in your Agent Controller and it happens instantly! 

You glance at your controller and decide to give your natural looking companion some bimbo makeup...much better. Next: breast size. You increase them by a bit, and the Agent moans and the sounds of her tits inflating are so you have to keep doing it. Even after she warns you the highest levels have not been practically tested on units... 

After her breasts are massive, you inquire if there is a way to change the arousal level. There is? Excellent. You set it to the highest level and watch Bella writhe in arousal as her body is burning up. ENGAGE: Masturbation mode. Lets see if these robots can really feel pleasure...

This clip includes: breast expansion, big breast, bouncing boobs, bimbo fetish, robot fetish, female masturbation, simulated sex, POV sex, audio and text effects. 

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