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Teacher's Dilemma

2/11/17 10:47 PM10 min169 MBmp4480p
Price8.49 EUR
KeywordsStrip Tease


One look at Miss Daniel's warm smile and you can understand why this young beautiful teacher is so loved by her students! that is why it came as such a shock to Miss Daniel's that she received a pink notice at the District Conference indicating she had been terminated. She decided to immediately pay Principal Harris a visit and find out why this happened to her. Principal Harris was very sympathetic but he explained to her that thanks to the power of the SCHOOL UNIONS, the last in are the first to go, so Miss Daniel's being a recent hire, was first in line to receive her notice irrespective of her teaching abilities or how well she was liked by the parents, ESPECIALLY THE DADS! Principal Harris comes up with a way for him to help her out with the school district but you know with him it is going to involve the removal of all of Miss Daniel's clothes among other things.. he even unecessarily has her do a "lazy susan" for him completely naked as she spins around like those center plates at a chinese restaurant. What else does he make her do?.. and don't think this teacher will go all the way through with it,  at some point she is going to leave the good principal hanging..

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