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New Year's Slave Resolution : Be My Slave Forever

12/30/21 10:40 PM5 min91 MBmp4720p
Price10.99 EUR

It's almost new year. 2022 is right here. So it's time for your new year resolution. And the most important thing in your life is me. You live to serve me and be my slave for life. So this new year you will accept your fate as my slave forever. Just wipe out the word 'freedom' from your dictionary and i know that you really crave to be under my control. You love this exchange of power wherein you lose complete power over yourself and i take charge of your life. This new year, starting from 1st January you will lead your life as a true slave, no pretensions, no confusion, no doubts, no dilemma. Just be you, and you are a born slave so live your best slave life under my control. 

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