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Delilah Dee's Fetish Emporium
Delilah Dee's Fetish Emporium
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Serleena: Netflix & Swallow - MKV

2/5/23 5:27 AM10 min239 MBmkv1080p
Price10.49 EUR


Serleena, the seductive and voracious alien from the distant planet of Kylothia, was always in search of new ways to satiate her insatiable appetite. And so, with a flick of her wrist, she found herself downloading the latest dating app on her intergalactic device - Tinder.

She swiped through countless profiles, until finally, she came upon a human male who piqued her interest. A date was arranged, and they both agreed to meet at his apartment for a night of Netflix and Chill. Little did he know that Serleena had other, much more sinister plans in mind.

As they settled onto the bed in his room, the man eagerly reached for the remote to turn on the television, but Serleena's hand shot out, stopping him in his tracks. With a sly grin, she leaned in close and whispered, "I have a better idea".

And it was there, amidst the soft glow of the television, that Serleena finally revealed the truth of what she had come for. With a seductive purr, she confessed that she was not like other females, but a hungry predator, whose natural form was that of a that fed upon the flesh of her prey.

Her date, now realizing the error of his ways, was powerless to resist as she seduced him into submitting to her ravenous desires. And with one swift motion, she engulfed him whole, his terrified cries muffled as he disappeared inside her belly.

And so, Serleena sat back, sated and satisfied with her big round belly, with another human to add to her list of conquests. For she was a being of darkness and destruction, a master of disguise and a hunter of prey. And as she reclined on his bed, she reflected upon her latest feast with a wicked smile, ready to unleash her insatiable hunger upon the next unsuspecting victim.

#MenInBlack2 #Serleena #AlienInvasion #IntergalacticThrills #FemmeFatale #KylothianHunger #NetflixAndChill #DatingNightmares #MonsterMovies #CannibalCraze #SciFiHorror #AlienSeduction #DatingGame #IntergalacticDating #TheHungerGames #DarkSciFi #AliensAmongUs #IntergalacticThreat #FrighteningFemales #MonsterMash

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