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Baal Eldritch
Baal Eldritch
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The year of body negativity - Feeder, fat humiliation, fat shaming

1/13/22 9:35 PM9 min693 MBmp41080p
Price9.49 EUR


The social media is full with that bullshit like : body positivism is important, and all of us should accept fat fucks like you, because being fat is cool and totally fine. No bitch, being fat is not cool and not fine. Being fat is a fucking disease. I won't allow you to think being fat is cool, you greasy fuck! It is abnormal. Being fat is equals with being sick in my opinion . Just take a look at yourself in the mirror and you will see! I know that you are a greedy hungry sick fuck, so this year i want you to do better and become even more obese, immobile for me! I want you to become my big fat pig, and sacrifice your body and health for me! Stuff your mouth and gain more weight, measure yourself now and after build up more and more grease and edema, like a good pig! I know this is what you really want, to become that fat like you cannot even move. Just imagine you will become my big fat pig in a barn, and all you have to do is to eat and worship me without any break! This is your future, so it is better if you prepare yourself! Be my good fat pig and stuff your head, stretch out your stomach and eat more !

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