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Baal Eldritch
Baal Eldritch
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Feed me with gold, and eat dogfood!

7/4/22 1:00 AM9 min710 MBmp41080p
Price9.49 EUR


Hey loser, i just wanted to say i really don't care if i drain your credit card balance that much, that you will become bankrupt. I don't care about your well being, I want to eat gold. I want you to feed me, I want you to send me your savings and watch me eating at the best restaurants on my vanilla social media, while you will stay at home to eat ramen or canned dogfood. I hate you, because you are nothing but a beta loser. A creepy simp alone with an empty fridge. You deserve to eat ramen, and cheap junkfood every day, because I despise you. I don't care if you will go broke if i can eat the best meals every fucking day in return. Pay, and starve. Watch me eat the gold...

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