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Baal Eldritch
Baal Eldritch
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Mesmerizing reprogramming diaper waves, MIND FUCK, MESMERIZE, DIAPER

9/4/23 9:30 PM9 min687 MBmp41080p
Price9.99 EUR


Be prepared because today i am going to change your life. Your weak submissive mind cannot handle my powerful will and strong suggestions. Your mind will break, and you will enjoy a new filthy lifestyle. You will forget to use the toilet because i will make you become a diaper freak. No matter that you try to escape, i have already trapped you. I will reprogram your mind, and make you order several packages of adult diaper that you must wear every hour of the day. I will make you piss and "mud" your self publicly. You will pee yourself while you are walking on the street. You will "mud" yourself in a middle of a fancy restaurant, or while you are talking with someone. You will "mud" yourself freely in a the middle of a conversation because i will make you obey me no matter what. This is your new life and you cannot control your guts and bladder anymore. I will control your body and habits from today...

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