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Baal Eldritch
Baal Eldritch
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Stupid incel turns into a pumpkin - VORE, WITCH, MAGIC

10/5/23 7:00 PM10 min781 MBmp41080p
Price10.49 EUR


nsulting a powerful witch is a pretty brave and stupid move, you know... Your mouth is too big, she will curse you fast. You will not be able to move and talk... But the witch is so pissed with you, that she decides it is better if you cease to exist! What is the best way to make this happen? How can she make your traces disappear ? Well, you will learn the answer pretty soon . She will turn you into a pumpkin by a spell to eat you. Even tho' you have turned into a pumpkin, you will feel every single bites . Because you can’t "red juice" out, you will experience prolonged painful "end" . She is slowly eats you and insults you, meanwhile the pain becomes more and more unbearable... Yes, the witch eats you alive. After she is done, she starts digesting you, so the transformation goes on ... You will become what you really are! A piece of "mud". 

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