Gia the Big Bully
Little 5 2" Bella is going over her notes for a test when Amazon Gia walks in stealing Bella's notes. Bella asks for them back but Gia says that cause your smart your gonna give me all the answers. Gia is so huge she can't even sit properly on the furniture and overpowers small Bella. Gia steals Bella's pen and rips out the answers for an upcoming test and shoves them in her back pack. Gia holds of the pen and little Bella jumps but can't grab it. Gia, 6 foot 11 in her heels towers over Bella. Gia grabs Bella's glasses and tries them on, Bella can't see and tries to reach for them. After Gia has had her fun bullying Bella, she steals her book and leaves.
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