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Tall Goddess Gia
Tall Goddess Gia
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Looks Like You Found My Potion

2/1/19 5:15 AM8 min683 MBmp4720p
Price9.49 EUR


Come eat your dinner!  Gia eats and calls her boyfriend to come eat wth her. She gets frustrated waiting and dives in. She goes to take a bite and notices her boyfriend has shrunk down to 1/2 inch on her fork. She get s mad and calls him a useless little man, what good are you to me small like this? Gia laughs and tells him to listen to everything she says or she will squash him with her foot, or maybe I'll eat you in my salad. You were going through my stuff and found my secret potion? I was gonna save it for a rainy day because I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to take it on your own! Now you have to lick my sweaty nylons, lick up little bitch. Stop complaining and open up that little mouth and lick up the sweat and make my feet sparkle. Do what your told and maybe I won't squash you. But you do look way better than a crouton on my salad. Maybe I'll eat you...

I think pay back is a bitch you had to sneak around and have some of my potion, this is all your fault because there is no potion to grow big so you better kiss these feet and beg! Let me decide whether I should keep you or crush you with my big feet. I think it's time to get crushed by these big feet, I'm gonna crush you like a bug.

Gia picks up the crushed carcus and eats it making her so full as she groans and rubs her big belly.

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