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HEROINES HUMILIATED(PART ONE) (4K): Tilly McReese and Zoey Chanel

2/14/23 3:29 AM27 min3549 MBmp44k
Price24.49 EUR


Sexy Cosplay comes across your screen hot and heavy as Zoey and Tilly don their Wonder Woman, and Evil Empress roles against each other to see who is the real submissive superherione!

In the first scene, Evil Mistress  Zoey has Wonder Tilly all tied up from head to toe, standing her up straight and running her hands all up and down Wonder Tilly’s helpless naked body.  The only thing that’s keeping  Wonder Tilly from being lured over to the dark side is her strong will being to not give in to any of Zoey’s advances.  Soon, the mental energy and toughness starts to ebb away and it doesn’t make it easier with Zoey’s hands caressing and squeezing Wonder Tilly’s tits and pussy like a deranged lover.  It is soon inevitable that Wonder Tilly becomes one of Zoey’s submissive toys and will end up being hers for all of eternity as she looks into the viewers eyes with a last bit of struggle before the camera fades to black

The second scene has Wonder Zoey starting up all tied up to a pole as Wonder Woman, trying to figure out how she got into this bind in the first place! The evil goddess of Darkness Tilly comes around and gives Wonder Zoey quite the rubdown from head to toe, reminding her who’s now in charge!  The silly truth belt and power bracelets that Wonder Woman depends on aren’t going to give much help her, as Tilly strips Wonder Zoey down and rips off her blue latex top.  Wonder Zoey’s tits are now out in the open, ready to be rubbed and caressed while Tilly is smiling and  happy to oblige that to her!  Wonder Zoey squirms and tries her best to not get aroused in the slightest, but now she is finding it hard to resist the rubbing and caressing of her tits and pussy .  Tilly leaves Wonder Zoey alone to give her some time to think about who’s in control. 

The third scene sees Wonder Tilly tied up, laying down on the floor with each arm and leg tied to a rope and unable to break away! As she struggles, the Evil Mistress Zoey comes over to taunt her and begins to strip Wonder Tilly completely naked!  Fully nude, embarrassed, and unable to get free from her binds, Tilly squirms and writhes as Zoey rubs and caresses her tits and pussy, while laughing at the predicament that Wonder Tilly has gotten into!  Wonder Tilly tries to squirm from Zoey’s advancing hands towards her pussy, but the sensations are too much and Wonder Tilly is starting to scream from an uncontrollable and deep building orgasm.  The once powerful Wonder Tilly is now a nude, shaking mess of her strong self and is left tied up on the floor as Zoey walks away, satisfied with the new submissive captive for now….



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