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German Goddess Femdom Fighting
German Goddess Femdom Fighting
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Sweet Aura Session Incall - Homerun Beatdown (II)

9/17/23 1:05 AM17 min750 MBmp41080p
Price19.49 EUR


This is the second part from previously released video. This time she has the small session guy coming for revenge. She has destroyed him when they met the first time. He was out to go for more training and he was expecting doing better this time. See yourself...

First part:

Sweet Aura debuts at German Goddess Femdom Fighting. The strong Ukrainian Athlete is warming herself up when the session guy enters for his booking. 

At 1,74 m Sweet Aura is much taller than her male foe and when they great she starts mocking him for his size. She flexes her muscles and challenges him to an armwrestling match first. After that they start fighting, but it comes out that Sweet Aura can be a mean fighting machine and her beautiful looks definitely fool her power and fighting spirit. 

Very aggressive she dishes out kicks and hits and when she has him pound down to the ground she keeps up control by wrestling moves, especially with her long strong legs. 

The smaller guy is utterly outclassed by the taller and stronger woman. He get's even lifted up and carried around to underline her domination. Her entire physical domination is accompanied by strong trash talking and humiliating mocking of his weakness all the time. 

No chance for the male in this battle of the sexes. One-sided beatdown. Hard hits and kicks, not sparing the vulnerable parts as well.  

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