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German Goddess Femdom Fighting
German Goddess Femdom Fighting
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The Black Widow Prague Party Pick-Up II

5/26/24 6:10 AM20 min902 MBmp41080p
Price19.49 EUR


Goddess Shezel, the Russian Femme Fatale, based in Prague, is going around in Prague's party scene. She picks up random guys, seduces them with flirty attitude and invites them to come with her to her suite.

Once inside, she starts showing her true intention. She dominantly pushes the guys around. When they realize the situation, it's to late. The strong fighter has the fitter body and the better skill to keep them on hold, she presses them against the wall or pins them down on the floor. They are just food for her evil needs. Sadistically she beats them up with kicks and punches. Like a brutal street fighter she demolishes the guys in her suite without caring the neighbours might hear something. She unleashes all her negative energy on them until she is finished with them. Then she kicks them out, total destroyed and humiliated.

First part was an old guy, she enjoyed being superior to the older and weaker guy to make him fear his miserable life.

In this second part  of this clip series she meets a young guy. She is the older but stronger one. She makes him feel to met a MILF in a different way. She enjoys her superiority over a young innocent boy, dominating him with her stronger body. 

If they go to the cops she will simply tell them that she needed to defend herself. It's a dangerous world out there for guys coming up with foreign girls. Beware! If you meet a foreign beautiful woman asking you to come with her, don't go or be prepared!

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