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8/9/24 2:42 PM17 min1111 MBmp41080p
Price15.49 EUR
Related CategoriesBelly Fetish
KeywordsBelly Fetish


The Organization has once again had top secret documents stolen. Internal investigations point to agent Bruna, who stole a flash drive some time ago. Bruna made a deal to show remorse and volunteered for a difficult mission, which if successful will allow her to be admitted back into the team. Her former boss is furious with the evidence and, together with the new agent Ariel, decides to interrogate Bruna using the same method as before: punches to the stomach! He knows that Bruna does not have an athletic body, but rather a very sexy, sensual and soft feminine body. Her weak point is precisely her stomach, her soft belly. Jack punches Bruna in the stomach several times, and she moans in pain. However, despite this intense interrogation, Bruna does not confess to this robbery and swears her innocence. So Jack and Ariel give up on this interrogation method and leave Bruna alone in the room to recover from this hard beating.

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