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Sexy Fun Bikini Time!

7/13/19 1:09 PM9 min495 MBmp41080p
Price12.49 EUR


When you met Me at the beach the possibilities that ran through your mind were ENDLESS! The thought of getting Me alone brings four words to mind: Sexy FUN Bikini Time! Can you imagine running your hands over My tight, young body? Feeling ALL of My exposed, warm skin barely covered by My skimpy little bikini- the kind most women shy away from wearing. But here's the fucking deal though- you're a HUGE LOSER... didn't you know? LOL as IF I would ever allow you to touch My body like that! Don't get Me wrong- it's TOTALLY hot that you think I'm hot! Jerk off to Me all you like, I don't care. If you want to get close to Me, you'll have to do it My way. My way? By becoming My little foot licking beta. And after that? My personal shoe cleaner. you can either be of service to Me, or get lost. We know which choice you're going to make:)

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