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A Winter Solstice Sacrifice

12/22/23 8:10 PM12 min1312 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR


It is Yule and you are answering the call: A long time ago, you began a journey into chastity and now, you are putting all of that time in denial to good use. The training has led you here, to Me… to make the ULTIMATE sacrifice. you were drawn to one of 2 places to serve the Ice Goddesses (Check out the companion clip by Goddess Azure!) and give the ultimate sacrifice for the Winter Solstice. you are ready: you have been training for this. The long agony of denial will soon be over once you trade in your winter cherries for a gift AND an additional step towards ascending as a human into a better being. The gift I offer is never needing to eat again in exchange for your winter cherries. This is TOO good to pass up and you are READY! The Ice Deity MOE lets you know that there is a balance in the system… for every gift there must be a balance of energy- if you do not eat, where do you get your energy? The only way you’ll be able to generate energy is by gooning… and once I take your cherries, you’ll have a NEED for My bare feet… guess you’ll just need to goon for My feet in order to live a long, submissive life in service to Me~

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