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Eww Gross

2/14/24 6:41 PM8 min894 MBmp41080p
Price48.49 EUR


I’m charging you this much because I hate you. Eww, gross. That is the only thing that comes to mind when people think of you. Especially today of all days- I mean, do you LIKE being rejected? You must, because I can’t think of any other reason why you would be embarrassing yourself like this in front of Me. You DISGUST Me, like… I really wish that you didn’t exist and you know what? Everyone in your life would agree with Me! So sad and pathetic… I hate you so much, I wouldn’t even Financially dominate you… and I save that sort of treatment for HUGE losers. Even your money is tainted. Get the fuck away from Me. Lock yourself away. Every one hates you and your existence is ruining the most love-filled day of the year. Get lost, loser!

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