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Telling You Why I Need Cum And Let You Watch_1080p

3/7/25 4:40 AM25 min1827 MBmp41080p
Price17.99 EUR
CategoryBlow Jobs


Part One - Solo
You decide to confront your step-son about an awkward situation. You've noticed that he's been peeking in on you and your friend a few times during "private time" in the bathroom. You aren't mad or anything, you just want to know if he has any questions about what he's seen. He says he thinks he's seen you touching his penis a few times, and one time he thinks he even saw you put it in your mouth. You reveal that it's true, that is what has been going on, but it's for good reason.

It turns out that you have a rare nutrient deficiency that causes you to have low energy, and the best source of the nutrient is semen. Once a week, your best friend comes over and delivers you a load of his semen. You hope that gives him a better understanding of what's going on, but he's still a bit unsure. You decide to show him next time so he can get a better understanding.


Part Two - B/G
A few days later, you bring your step-son into the bathroom and explain that her friend is here to give her the supplement. You undress from the waist down and sit on the toilet while you wait for you friend to enter the room.

He enters and stands in front of you, while you ask your step-son if he's sure he wants to watch, you think it would be very informative. He agrees.

You take his penis out and begin showing off the different parts, including his balls where his sperm is stored. As you begin to touch him, you explain that the head of his penis is very sensitive, and that's the key to getting him to ejaculate. You then begin to suck his cock, checking in with step-son to make sure he understands what's going on. Lastly, you explain that your friend likes to watch you pee, so you begin peeing while you suck him.

Alright, now it's time for him to ejaculate. You explain that you're going to stick out your tongue, and let him shoot his semen into your mouth so you can swallow it. He cums in your mouth and you show it off before swallowing. You hope it's been informative for your step-son.

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