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Sarah DiAvola - The Brat Princess
Sarah DiAvola - The Brat Princess
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Sacrificial V-Day - MP4

2/14/17 8:00 AM8 min1160 MBmp41080p
Price$8.49 USD


Happy Valentine's ME.

I'll bet you're one of those lonely losers who bemoans Valentine's Day as a corporate holiday created to sell cards. That's the trademark complaint of lonely and inadequate males. If you had love, if you had romance in your life, you wouldn't be blaming the calendar for your empty heart and pathetic loneliness. That's why you're serving ME on Valentine's Day. I give you purpose and something to adore, while simultaneously reinforcing the Truth: That you are lonely for a very good reason, and you will always be sad on Valentine's Day. Pay Me for giving you the time of day. Pay Me for acknowledging you. Pay Me for telling you the truth. Pay Me because I deserve it, because I live a full and lovely life, because I look perfect spending that hard-earned cash of yours - well, of MINE. It's MINE, and you just work to generate it and hand it over to ME. How pathetic and worthless you are - and how lucky you are to be given worth through ME. This is the only love in your life: sacrifice and service to ME. No one will love you. No one will date you. No one will ever bless you like I do. And I will flip you off while you beg and plead for My love and attention. This is your life, and there are no Hallmark cards that can hold a candle to My "love." Embrace it. Adore it. Give in to it. Because I'm the one thing keeping you from jumping off a bridge.....and I wouldn't bat a beautiful eyelash if you did. Just make sure to leave Me in your will.

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