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Sarah DiAvola - The Brat Princess
Sarah DiAvola - The Brat Princess
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In My Hands 3 - STANDARD DEF

10/23/17 9:00 AM8 min225 MBmp4480p
Price10.99 EUR


My hands are elegant and beautiful. My palms are as wrinkled as My soles, and I know how to scrunch them up to accentuate the ridges and soft pillows I hold in My hands. My fingers delicately caress the air around Me and direct the space around them like a conductor with a symphony. My hands are the epitome of erotic body. I oil them up and rub them until they're slick and shiny. My manicure shines like stars in the extreme macro close-ups. What's more, My wrinkled palms DESTROY you in those macro shots, so you can see every tiny detail as they close around your face, mouth, and eyes.

This is a visually stunning clip. Gorgeous. Even if you don't get turned on by hands and will be a deeply aroused by Mine, now and forever. 


Go buy In My Hands and In My Hands 2 right now!

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