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Sarah DiAvola - The Brat Princess
Sarah DiAvola - The Brat Princess
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Puffs in Pink - STANDARD DEF

10/25/17 9:00 AM8 min232 MBmp4480p
Price9.99 EUR


This dragon mouth will suck you up and blow you out.

My mouth wraps around each puff. My lips pull on the electric cigarette. My tongue tickles the mouth piece before inhaling cotton candy clouds. I hold them inside My chest, filling My lungs, and then I let them escape in various shapes and sizes from My beautiful face.

I lick My lips and taste the delicious dusting of vapor flavor. I blow kisses at your face. I create tendrils of tease. I captivate you with My gaze, as I blow into your private desires.

Breathe Me in, as I spit you out, and it will be the most delicious dessert you've ever tasted.

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