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Sarah DiAvola - The Brat Princess
Sarah DiAvola - The Brat Princess
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Undeserving Jerk Junkie - STANDARD DEF

6/1/18 1:00 PM13 min345 MBmp4480p
Price12.49 EUR


Such a less-than, sniveling, desperate, obsessive masturbation addict doesn't even deserve to jerk off to My image. Or even My words. It's like throwing pearls before swine.

Are you ready to hear just how little I think of you, and how disgusting and pathetic I think you are? Are you ready to agree, accept, and embrace the daggers of truth into your stupid little penis-dependent soul?

I'll throw you a bone by belittling and humiliation you right to your dumb face. Then, I'll make you jerk off to just My sock, draped over the camera, so you can only see a tiny little peek of Me beneath the sweaty gross sock covering your face. That's more than you deserve, bitch, and you'll be fucking thankful for it.

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