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Necking Class - Lesson 2 (Full Verison - The Lesson and Left In a Backpack)

10/8/20 4:49 PM28 min2915 MBmp41080p
Price12.99 EUR
KeywordsBalloons B2p


Another necking class is in session! This is a teacher roleplay clip where you are taught how to neck balloons. Three different techniques will be taught and demonstrated in this lesson. 16-inch balloons are used for this demonstration. Two of the balloons get tied, and one gets blown to bits. Once the class had ended, the teacher thought that everyone left. But someone "forgot" their backpack and got a sneaky recording of what this teacher does to her balloons after class, when she thinks no one is watching. She grinds and bounces on the first one before popping it with her ass. She takes off her pants, then grinds and bounces on the second one before popping it also. She takes off her panties for the final balloon, and grinds her pussy on it a lot. She ends up having an orgasm from grinding on the balloon, then finally bounces on it to pop it.

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