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Crushed under the feet of Madam Giantess VR4K

9/16/23 7:16 PM5 min852 MBmp44k
Price5.99 EUR


Madam Giantess is wearing some special sandals bought by a fan, and uses them to crush a little toy man.   Watch as she steps on and stomps him flat... then she lays the camera (you) on its back... so you get a great POV view of her face and sandal coming down over your entire body.

Part two of the clip has Madam wearing some funky heels... which she uses to crush the life out of some Life cereal as you watch helplessly.   This clip also ends with you on your back... watching the bottom of her heels, and the cereal bits, falling about you as your world grows dark underneath her.  VR4K

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