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9/13/15 4:20 AM13 min369 MBwmv720p
Price11.49 EUR
CategoryTit Play


Goldie sits as her desk typing away as she keeps yawning she cant stay awake and soon falls resting..Her Boss finds her and prods her chest to wake her but gets no response so he slaps her breasts pulling open her blouse with no bra he tweaks her nipples too til finally she awakes...She apologizes for falling resting as she buttons herself up and gets back to work her boss cranks up he heat to keep her awake...Goldie chats to her friend on the phone as sweat is beading off her big tits she unbuttons her blouse to cool down and soon again from the heat..Her Boss come back to see her and topless he slaps,pinches and mauls her big tits but she never wakes so he slaps a note on her tit saying she is terminated...When finally awake she sees the note calling her friend she plans to get back her job with a tit job he cant resist!...

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