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6/9/21 4:00 AM21 min598 MBwmv720p
Price15.99 EUR


Wonder Woman is casing a Evil Doctor's office after getting info on Him sucking powers from orgasms, She sees a chair rope and other bondage paraphernalia and sexual stimulants, when The evil Dr comes up on WW pricking Her with a freeze serum rendering Her powerless, He gropes, stimulates, breath play and checks Her vitals with stetoscope to see how strong She is still frozen to do anything, He then strips WW of Her uniform and binds Her to the chair before the freeze serum wears and the true experiments begin!...He attaches the orgasm energy sucking machine to WW's pussy now She is bound and able to struggle and talk she tries to fight the orgasms building over and over zapping Her powers but try as The evil Dr  takes all Her powers and WW is another Super Heroine to succumb to Her evil ways...

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