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Hinako House of Bondage
Hinako House of Bondage
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HBC X TBL; Gauze Mummification and Vinyl Inflatable Rest Sack Abandonment

7/26/20 6:40 AM20 min1284 MBmp41080p
Price19.99 EUR


In a special collaboration between Hinako Bondage Clinic and Tokyo Bondage Laboratory, Hinako and Chiaki work together to mummify their sub in a much more traditional sense of the word. In this mummification, the subject is wrapped entirely in white gauze, from head to...well "head," if you know what I mean. After the wrapping is complete, he is then mummified more, binding his arms to his chest in that classic, or rather ancient, mummification style. And what is a mummy without a sarcophagus? In this case, our mummy's final resting place will be this inflatable clear vinyl rest sack. He is sealed inside, and left there, so his fetish spirit can ascend to the next life.    

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