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Hinako House of Bondage
Hinako House of Bondage
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Many Layers of Bondage; Latex Catsuit, Latex Rest Sack, Leather Straitjacket, Leather Mask, Headphones

7/27/20 12:22 AM2 min140 MBmp41080p
Price4.99 EUR


This is a very short clip, but I would consider that the fault of this guy who came way too quickly. But who could blame him? With this plethora of bondage, anybody would cum super quickly. In this instance, he is wearing a latex catsuit with a latex rest sack (with holes for the arms). This would allow him to also wear a leather straitjacket. And then, his whole body was pinned to a pillar with head to toe leather straps. He was also unable to see or hear thanks to the leather mask and the headphones he was wearing. Then Hinako, also dressed in a latex catsuit, put the Hitachi to his dick and it was all over, just like that. Some people just can't control themselves. 

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