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Hinako House of Bondage
Hinako House of Bondage
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HBC X TBL; Double Domination on Japanese Maid in Shibari Rope Bondage Suspension

8/24/20 12:51 AM19 min1234 MBmp41080p
Price28.49 EUR
CategoryRope Bondage


In a special collaboration between Hinako Bondage Clinic and and Tokyo Bondage Laboratories, Mistress Chiaki ties up a glasses wearing maid Hinako in shibari rope bondage and suspends her in a compromising position. Once she was hanging high above the ground Chiaki, with the assistance of Suzy Q, tickled her with their long nails, so much so that Hinako would unleash horrifying screams that could most likely be heard from the next town over.  

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