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Hinako House of Bondage
Hinako House of Bondage
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New Rubber Doggy Suit Escape Challenge!

4/14/24 12:05 AM14 min895 MBmp41080p
Price15.49 EUR


It’s another escape challenge with a brand new rubber doggy suit with padding in the knees and elbows! This new suit also has zippers by the hands and feet, making it very easier to take on and off. After putting on her rubber pussy pants, Hinako puts a remote-control vibe inside her. And finally, a ball gag is added, of course! And then begins the escape challenge #2. For this second escape challenge, an extra layer of difficulty is added, as her arms have been wrapped in plastic wrap prior to getting in the suit. Will her escape be thwarted by the added distraction of the remote-control vibe and rubber mask strapped around her head?!
In the end, she was not able to escape…

*Hinako is a professional and takes many safety precautions when playing. Please DO NOT try this at home!

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