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Goddexx Daphne
Goddexx Daphne
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DICKcember Week One!

11/29/24 2:00 PM11 min1658 MBmp41080p
Price12.49 EUR


I have sooo many new gay slaves this year, so I am RE-RELEASING my DICKcember series! If you already own this clip, feel free to buy it again and show me how devoted you are to going gay for me. 

Welcome to DICKcember, slave!

Each week, I am taking you on a trip down the gay rabbithole.
I will condition you to go gayer and gayer as the weeks go on!

For week one, we’re starting with a sensual and seductive intro to encouraged bi. I’ll tell you how to stroke, and what to stroke to. I’ll describe a deliciously sexy gay scenario and make sure you’re sooo turned on for cock! 

To spiral down even harder for my elite encouraged bi training, join me at goddexxdaphne/thehomohole

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