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Kandylegs Trains and Lifts Muscle Couple Yanet Fit and Miguel Fit

12/12/24 8:18 AM11 min260 MBMP4720p
Price14.49 EUR
CategoryLift & Carry


Kandy is one on the strongest women in the world and today she proves it by lifting and training a Muscle Couple Yanet Fit and Miguel Fit. Kandy starts out without hesitation crouched down and lifts Yanet effortlessly, her strength surprising even herself. Turning to Miguel, she hoisted him into the air just as easily. As she stood there, teaching Yanet how to lift Miguel with ease, Kandy helps Yanet find a hidden power within her. Quietly, she set them down, leaving the room with a newfound confidence she never knew she had. Not one but TWO people being lifted and carried. Yanet will now get to try all the new sexy lifts on Miguel Fit when they get home.

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