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9/17/24 10:46 AM6 min841 MBmp41440p
Price2.99 EUR
CategoryFoot Fetish


"Foot fetishists revenge" - video is just close up on face telling a story to camera: you are a bitchy type with foot-fetish superpowers and the way you deal with your enemies is to smell their feet. Nobody can smell feet like you can smell feet! . I talk about a teacher that used to make your life hell. Always putting her big soles on her desk. A bully. you went back to school and tricked her into thinking you are now a full-time foot-reader - before she realized what was going on you were nose deep in her soles etc. She didn't know what hit her. She won't be bothering anybody anymore etc. ------ Then you talk about your friend's step-mom who pissed you off - how you will trick her and how you will smell her feet next. Describe how you will rip off her shoes and go to work sniffing on her bare soles and toes. ---- Finally you pretend to be looking at your phone - at foot pictures of potential targets ... and make comments as you browse like (in disgust at some and turned on by others)

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