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Bikini Try On 2024

6/14/24 9:09 PM24 min3462 MBmp41080p
Price14.99 EUR
CategoryBBW - Ssbbw


Summer is here, and so are my new bikinis! Summer starts next week, and I can't wait to get in the water and show off my bikini body at the beach. I got nine new bathing suits to try on, and this year I wanted to get some cute patterns and themes, since I wore mostly solid colors last year! I REALLY struggled to try everything on this time, I was so out of breath the whole time and as you can tell by how long the video is, I had to take a LOT of breaks. I ripped so many seams, you can hear the tearing sounds pretty much every time I try to squeeze into one! This video has LOTS of jiggling and heavy breathing, these try on videos are getting really difficult and that's so hot!

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