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Big Sexy Bites

2/13/25 4:23 PM9 min1371 MBmp41080p
Price9.99 EUR
CategoryBBW - Ssbbw


Pasta is my FAVORITE food, and Fettuccine Alfredo is one of my favorite kinds of pasta. I've never really talked about it before, but I eat a LOT of pasta, it's a daily occurrence. And I've pretty much perfected my recipe for fettuccine alfredo at this point. I love taking big huge bites because they turn me on, but chewing it all kind of takes a while, so I edited this video down to only show the big sexy bites. It's almost 10 minutes long, but if I had included all the chewing and swallowing it easily would have been over 40 minutes, which is kind of boring lol. So I figured that editing it down to just the bites would be the best way to show how sexy they are.

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